Question : Construction of Houses for Fishermen

Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE AND FARMERS WELFARE ???? ??? ???? ?????? ??????
be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is a provision of Rs. 187.50 lakh for the construction of houses for fishermen under the centrally sponsored scheme pertaining to the welfare of fishermen;
(b) if so, whether a proposal was sent to the Government regarding sanction of Rs. 166.50 lakh and revalidation of Rs. 21 lakh under the said scheme;
(c) whether sanction of Rs. 21 lakh has been granted by the Government and a sanction for Rs. 166.50 lakh is yet to be given; and
(d) if so, the time by which the said amount is likely to be sanctioned/released by the Government after the sanction?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (d): The Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare has been implementing the Central Sector Scheme ‘National Scheme of Welfare of Fishermen’ with one of its components being ‘Development of Model Fishermen Villages’. Under this component the Department provides financial assistance for construction of houses for fishers. The viable proposals as and when received from the State Governments/Union Territories are examined and admissible central share is released as per availability of financial resources.
A proposal for central financial assistance of Rs.187.50 lakh for construction of 500 houses for fishermen which includes revalidation of the unspent amount of Rs.21 lakh was received from the Government of Madhya Pradesh during the current financial year (2015-16) under the said scheme. The Department has accorded approval to the proposal.

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