Question : Population of Lion

(a) the total number of lions in the country as on date, State-wise;
(b) whether their number has increased/declined during the last several years;
(c) if so, the details thereof, State-wise;
(d) whether the Government is taking any concrete steps for the preservation and conservation of lions; and
(e) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a),(b)&(c) The number of Asiatic lions has increased from 411 in 2010 to 523 in 2015 as per the report on census. Asiatic lions are restricted to Gujarat.

(d)&(e) The Government has taken the following steps for protection and conservation of wild animals including lions in the country:

i. Protected Areas, viz., National Parks, Sanctuaries, Conservation Reserves and Community Reserves covering important wildlife habitats have been created all over the country under the provisions of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 to conserve wild animals and their habitats.

ii. A specific component of “Recovery programmes for saving critically endangered species and habitats’ is provided in the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of ‘Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats’ for focused conservation action on selected critically endangered species. Lion has been identified as one of the species for recovery programme.

iii. Legal protection has been provided to wild animals including lion against hunting and commercial exploitation under the provisions of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972.

iv. In addition to provision of stringent punishment for the offenders, the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 also provides for forfeiture of any equipment, vehicle or weapon that is used for committing wildlife offence(s).

v. Financial and technical assistance is provided to the State/ Union Territory Governments under the Centrally Sponsored Schemes for providing better protection to wildlife including lion and improvement of its habitat.

vi. The Wildlife Crime Control Bureau has been set up to ensure co-ordination among various officers and State Governments in connection with the enforcement of law for control of poaching and illegal trade in wildlife and its products.

Further the state Govt. of Gujarat has taken following steps for conservation of Lion :

i. Construction of Parapet wall/capping of open wells in and around Sanctuary and National Parks.
ii. Training of field functionaries in different aspects related to rescue of wildlife.
iii. Establishment of rescue centers, animal welfare centers and well equipped rescue teams at different locations.
iv. Regular patrolling by the field staff in the Protected Areas and forest areas surrounding Protected Areas.
v. Equipping field staff with weapons and vehicles.
vi. Establishment and strengthening of modern communication system.
vii. Motivation and educating communities residing in the vicinity of the Protected Areas through awareness campaign and regular meetings so as to reduce human-animals conflict.
viii. Creation of a network of Vanya Prani Mitra to look after the welfare of animals moving outside the sanctuary.
ix. Involvement of N.G.O’s in the programme of public participation in wildlife conservation.
x. Formation of Eco development committees in almost all the villages surrounding the Protected Area.
xi. Development of information network for timely information and response.
xii. Use of social media for conservation.****

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