(a): Consumption of bio-pesticides and chemical pesticides during 2013-14 was 5630.21 MT (formulations) and 60231.06 MT (Technical grade) respectively as per information received from States.
(b) to (e): The Government of India is promoting use of bio- pesticides under the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach which employs cultural, mechanical & biological methods of pest control alongwith need based judicious use of chemical pesticides. The Central Integrated Pest Management Centres (CIPMCs) promote IPM through Farmers’ Field Schools and various training programmes. Package of practices for control of pests and diseases in 57 crops have been revised to include techniques to reduce dependence on chemical pesticides and encourage use of biopesticides and other alternative plant protection measures. The requirement for registration of biopesticides has been simplified to facilitate introduction of biopesticides. Central Government provides grant-in-aid of Rs.45.00 lakhs for building and Rs.20.00 lakh for procuring equipments for Biocontrol Laboratories for production of biocontrol agents including biopesticides to State Governments. Central Govern- ment also provides Rs.20.00 lakhs as grants-in-aid to State Governments for procuring equipments for Biopesticides Testing Laboratories.
Details of funds released to states for Biocontrol Laboratories and Biopesticides Testing Laboratories during the last three years and current year is annexed.
As a part of IPM programme other related activities are also conducted to reduce use of chemical pesticides and encourage alternate plant protection measures viz. Pest Surveillance, Monitoring of Pest incidence/situation, Mass production of biological agents for releasing in the fields, conservation of natural bio-control agents.
Apart from the above, a “Grow Safe Food” campaign has been launched to create awareness amongst the farmers about safe and judicious use of pesticides.
Under Soil Health Management (SHM) component of National Mission of Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA), assistance is being provided for training and demonstrations to promote balanced use of fertilizer. Use of Bio-fertilizers is popularized amongst farming community through various extension and publicity activities like Exhibition, Radio Talks, TV Programmes, distribution of literature, etc.
Following assistance is being provided under the said scheme for promotion of the use of organic/ bio-pesticides / fertilizers:
(i) 100% assistance to Sate Government/ Government agencies upto a maximum limit of Rs. 160.00 lakh per unit and 25% of total project cost limited to Rs. 40.00 lakh per unit for individual / private agencies through NABARD as capital investment subsidy for establishment of bio-fertilizers/ bio- pesticides production units for 200 TPA production capacity.
(ii) 100% assistance to State Government/ Government Agencies upto maximum limit of Rs. 190 lakh per unit and 33% of total project cost limited to Rs.63.00 lakh per unit for individual / private agencies through NABARD as capital investment subsidy for establishment of compost production units for 3000 TPA production capacity.
(iii) Financial assistance for adoption of organic village for manure management @ Rs.10.00 lakh per village for adoption of integrated manure management, planting of fertilizer trees on bunds and promotion of legume intercropping through groups.
(iv) Promotion of organic inputs on farmers field @ 50% of cost subject to a limit of Rs. 5000/- per Ha. and Rs.10,000/- per beneficiary.
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