Question : Employment Opportunity in Fisheries Industry

(a) whether maximum employment opportunities can be generated by developing the fisheries industry as micro and coastal industry in the coastal areas of the country;
(b) if so, the details thereof along with the procedure laid down/the roadmap proposed in this regard by the Government and the details of implementation of any schemes/policies specifically for the development of fisheries industry in the previous years;
(c) the details of increase in turnover in such fisheries industry during the last three years; and
(d) the number of employment opportunities generated during the last three years along with the percentage growth thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a): Fisheries sector offers immense scope for employment in the broad areas of pre- harvest, harvest and post-harvest activities associated with this sector. Employment potential generation in the fisheries sector includes production, fish farming, harvesting, processing, marketing, distribution of fish and other ancillary activities for both domestic consumptions exports.
(b): Recognising the potential of the sector, the Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) “Blue Revolution” was launched during 2015-16 for the Integrated Development and Management of Fisheries for a period of 5 years for enhancement of fish production and productivity in sustainable manner through various activities. Under Blue Revolution, assistance is provided for various beneficiaries oriented employment generation activities which includes construction and renovation of fish ponds, input cost, fish seed rearing units, construction of hatcheries, procurement of fishing craft and gear, establishment of fish feed mills/ plants, installation of cages/pens in reservoir and other open water bodies, Re-circulatory Aquaculture System (RAS), training and skilled development etc. Besides, the scheme also provides assistance for procurement of Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) boats, replacement of wooden/traditional boats, construction and renovation of ice plants, cold storages, ice plant-cum-cold storages, construction of fish retail outlets, procurement of refrigerated and insulated trucks, auto-rickshaws, bicycles and motorcycles with iceboxes, support for value addition and marketing etc.
(c): The details of total fish production and the Gross Value Added (GVA) in the fisheries sector in the country during the last three years are as under.
Fish Production (in Lakh Tonnes) and its Gross Value Added (GVA) in India
Year Marine Inland Total Annual Percentage Growth Rate Gross Value Added (GVA) in Crore at current price
2015-16 36.00 71.62 107.62 4.9% 1,32,720
2016-17 36.25 78.06 114.31 6.2% 1,54,421
2017-18 36.88 89.02 125.90 10.1% 1,75,573
2018-19 (p) 37.10 97.10 134.20 6.6% NA

(d): During the last three years (2016-17 to 2018-19), total 22016 individual beneficiaries were assisted with an amount of Rs.92.48 crores under various components of Blue Revolution Scheme.

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