Question : Law on Mob Lynching

(a) whether the Government intends to bring up an anti-mob lynching legislation to stop this pathetic and barbaric act;

(b) if so, the details thereof; and

(c) the steps being taken to stop lynching and attacks on minorities, weaker and marginalized citizens in the country?

Answer given by the minister

(a) & (b): A Group of Ministers was constituted by the Government to deliberate on the matter and make recommendations. The Group of Ministers has since met and the Government is seized of the matter.
(c): ‘Police’ and ‘Public Order’ are State subjects under the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India and State Governments are responsible for prevention, detection, registration and investigation of crime and for prosecuting the criminals through their law enforcement agencies. However, the Ministry of Home Affairs have issued advisories to States and UTs, from time to time, to
maintain law and order and ensure that any person who takes law into his/her own hand is punished promptly as per law. An advisory dated 04.07.2018 was issued to the States and UTs to keep watch on circulation of fake news and
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rumours having potential of inciting violence, take all required measures to counter them effectively and to deal firmly with persons taking law into their own hands. Further, advisories dated 23.07.2018 and 25.09.2018 were issued to the State Governments/UT Administrations for taking measures to curb incidents of mob lynching in the country. The Government through audio-visual media has also generated public awareness to curb the menace of mob lynching. The Government has also sensitized the service providers to take steps to check the propagation of false news and rumours having potential to incite mob violence and lynching.

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