Question : Implementation of Schemes- Programmes

(a) whether the Government has evaluated the performance of various schemes/programmes under implementation by his Ministry during the last one year;

(b) if so, the details and the outcome thereof;

(c) if not, the reasons therefor; and

(d) the funds allocated to those schemes/programmes during the last five years scheme/programme-wise?

Answer given by the minister

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(a) to (c): No, Sir. During the last one year, the government has not evaluated the performance of various schemes/programmes under implementation by the Ministry of Science &Technology; however, a detailed evaluation of various schemes /programmes under implementation by the Ministry was undertaken during 2017-18 for their continuation beyond the 12thFive year Plan till March 2020.
(d) Scheme/programme wise allocation of funds allocated to schemes/ programmes under implementation by all three departments of Ministry of Science &Technology, i.e., (i) Department of Science & Technology, (ii) Department of Biotechnology, and (iii) Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, during the last five years, are given in Annexure 1.


A. The funds allocated to schemes/ programmes under implementation by Department of Science & Technology, during the last five years.

(i) ForFY 2014-15 to 2016-17 (Rs. In Cr)
Sl No. Name of the Scheme 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

1 Basic And Applied Research (R& D Support) 260.00 330.00 360.00
2 Autonomous Institutions and Professional Bodies 701.00 890.50 1100.00
3 International Cooperation 79.00 99.00 114.00
4 Technology Development Board 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 Societal Programme 101.00 178.00 300.00
6 Scientific Surveys
6.1 Survey of India (SoI) 17.25 27.00 29.07
6.2 National Atlas & Thematic Mapping Organisation 1.80 2.84 4.93
7 Technology Development Programme 131.27 152.16 200.00
8 State S&T Programme 33.00 45.00 60.00
9 Synergy Projects 23.25 26.00 26.00
10 Implementation of Information Technology 0.50 5.00 2.50
11 National Mission on Nano Sciene and Nano Technology 65.00 85.00 125.00
12 Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Research 19.00 23.00 20.00
13 Science and Engineering Research Board 535.00 660.00 767.00
14 Mega Facilities For Basic Research 61.93 69.00 80.00
15 Policy Research Cell 8.00 7.00 16.00
16 Disha Programme For Women in Science 44.00 58.00 70.00
17 Alliance and R& D Mission 418.00 560.00 536.50
18 Supercomputing Facility and Capacity Building 0.00 84.00 90.00
19 Technical Research Centre 1.00 100.00 80.00
GRAND TOTAL 2500.00 3401.50 3981.00

(ii) For FY 2017-18& FY 2018-19 (Rs. In Cr)
Sl No. Name of the Scheme 2017-18 2018-19

1 Secretariat 78.95 134.10
2 Survey of India 405.68 412.97
3 National Atlas & Thematic Mapping Organisation 18.18 21.48
4 Autonomous Institutions and Professional Bodies 1065.00 1161.50
5 Science and Engineering Research Board 800.00 1000.00
6 Science And Technology Institutional and Human Capacity Building 1022.86 1018.43
7 Research And Development 505.14 493.50
8 Innovation, Technology Development and Deployment 670.00 781.40
9 National Mission on Inter Disciplinary Cyber Physical System 0.00 0.01
10 Technology Development Board 170.00 100.00
11 Science Counsellors Abroad 11.00 11.50
TOTAL- DST 4667.86 5134.89

B. The funds allocated to schemes/ programmes under implementation by Department of Biotechnology(DBT) during the last five years.

Schemes 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
(Rs. In Cr)
Industrial & Entrepreneurship Development 68.00 70.00 192.00 222.82 244.26
Biotechnology Research &Development 789.77 904.33 1020.04 1252.77 1356.02
TOTAL 857.77 974.33 1212.04 1475.59 1600.28

C. The funds allocated to schemes/ programmes under implementation by Department of Scientific & Industrial Research(DSIR) and Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)during the last five years.
Funds allocated to DSIR schemes during last five years is as follows:
Year Total Allocation (Rs. in Cr)
2014-15 49.15
2015-16 30.74
2016-17 27.83
2017-18 26.01
2018-19 35.43

The budgetary allocation for CSIR, which is an autonomous body of the DSIR,for the last five years is given below:
Year Total Allocation (Rs. in Cr)
2014-15 3334.88
2015-16 3988.14
2016-17 4013.06
2017-18 4582.12
2018-19 4521.28

From FY 2014-15 to 2016-17, CSIR had two Central Sector Schemes – namely National Laboratories and National S&T Human Resources Development. From FY 2017-18 onwards, CSIR do not operate any Central Sector Scheme.


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