Question : Theft of LPG

(a) whether the Government has received complaints of theft of LPG during the last three years and if so, the details thereof along with the assessment made in this regard and steps taken for the redressal of such complaints in rural and urban areas separately, State/UT-wise;
(b) whether the Government proposes to formulate any scheme for distribution of gas through new composite cylinders and if so, the details thereof and the time by which such cylinders are likely to be made available to rural and urban consumers, State/UT-wise; and
(c) whether the cylinders being used by all the existing consumers are proposed to be replaced and if so, the details thereof including the cost of such replacement to be borne by the consumers?

Answer given by the minister

(a) Some cases of supply of underweight cylinders/pilferage of gas from LPG cylinders have been noticed by Public Sector Oil Marketing Companies(OMCs). In all the established cases of irregularities, penal action is taken against the erring distributors as per provisions of MDG and distributorship agreement. The State/UT-wise details for the last three years and April 2015 to January 2016 of established
cases of supply of partially used cylinders/pilfering products from cylinders by LPG distributors are given in Annexure. Various steps taken to prevent pilferage/supply of underweight cylinders are as under :-
? Officials carry out random checks at distributors’ godowns, delivery points, as well as en-route to ensure that correct weight cylinders are delivered by distributors.
? Distributors are under strict instructions to check the weight of cylinders at their godowns.
? All distributors are required to provide portable weighing scales to all their delivery boys so that weight of the cylinder can be checked on demand before delivery to the customers.
? The distributors have also been instructed to ensure that the seals are verified and shown to the customers at the time of delivery.
? Joint inspections/ raids are conducted by OMCs officers in coordination with State Civil Supplies Department to arrest the menace of pilferage of LPG and cases are filed by the District Administration against the culprits under various provisions of Essential Commodities Act and other relevant Acts.
? Tamper evident seals are being used across the country w.e.f. 1.4.2016.
(b) In order to undertake a feasibility study on marketing of LPG in composite cylinders by Public Sector Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs), a public tender has been invited for procurement of composite cylinders by Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.(HPCL), and the companies are in the process of testing the new cylinders in pilot markets.
(c) There is no proposal to replace the LPG cylinders being used by the existing customers.

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