Question : Drug Abuse

(a) whether the Government is aware of the growing menace of drug abuse in the State of Andhra Pradesh and if so, the preventive steps taken by the Government to bring the situation under control;

(b) the quantity of drugs confiscated in the State of Andhra Pradesh during the last three years, district-wise and drug category-wise;

(c) the land under cultivation of tobacco, opium etc. in Andhra Pradesh during the said period, category-wise;

(d) whether the Government recognizes the growing drug menace in Andhra Pradesh and is aware about the absence of zonal or sub-zonal office of the Narcotics Control Bureau in the State; and

(e) if so, the details thereof and the time by which the Government is likely to set up a zonal office in the State of Andhra Pradesh?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (e): A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.


(a) & (b) As per latest data published by National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) pertaining to the year 2020, details of quantity of drugs seized in the State of Andhra Pradesh during the year 2018, 2019 & 2020 is at Annexure-I. District wise details of seizure of drugs is not maintained by NCRB. The Government of India is taking various preventive measures to tackle the problems of drugs menace/consumption in country, including in the State of Andhra Pradesh, some of which are as under :-

(i) The Government has introduced the Narco Coordination Centre (NCORD) in 2016 to have effective coordination of actions among various Ministries, Departments, Central and State law enforcement agencies. The mechanism was restructured in 2019 into a 4 tier structure:-

1) Apex Committee (Headed by Union Home Secretary)

2) Executive Committee (Headed by Special Secretary (IS), MHA).

3) State Level Committee (Headed by Chief Secretary of the concerned State).

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4) District Level Committee (Headed by District Magistrate)

(ii) The Government has launched Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyaan (NMBA) in 272 identified vulnerable districts with an aim to create awareness about ill effects of substance abuse among the youth, with special focus on higher education institutes, university campuses and schools.

(iii) 8,000 master Volunteers have been selected and trained to lead the Abhiyaan activities in the 272 identified districts.

(iv) Till now, more than 2.14 Crore people have been reached through various activities undertaken under this Abhiyaan.

(v) More than 82 lakh youths have actively participated in the activities of the Abhiyaan and are spreading the message against substance use. Around 4,000+ Yuva Mandals, Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS) & National Service Scheme (NSS) Volunteers have also been associated with the Abhiyaan.

(vi) Several events, competition and awareness session have been organized for the student community covering more than 27 lakh students and 55171 educational institutions.

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(vii) Social media is being effectively utilized to spread the message of the Abhiyaan.

(viii) Short awareness films about substance use have been made in 9 languages and released on social media and also circulated to states for sensitizing people regarding dangers of Drug Abuse.

(ix) International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on 26th June is being organized every year to spread awareness among the general public about the ill effects of drug abuse and drug trafficking through various social media platforms by way of Audio/Video messages of eminent personalities from the field of Politics, Bureaucracy, Sports, Films, Music etc. and through Telecom Service Providers, FM radios, Television Channels etc.

(c) The Central Bureau of Narcotics under Department of Revenue issues licence of Opium Poppy cultivation for production of opium and CPS as per the Chapter III of the NDPS Rules, 1985. The said licit opium poppy cultivation takes place in the states of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttrakhand. No licence for cultivation of any drug crop in the state of Andhra Pradesh has been issued by Central Bureau of Narcotics.

(d) & (e) The Government from time to time assesses the drug situation in the country as a whole including in the State of Andhra Pradesh. Presently 01 NCB sub-zone is functioning at Hyderabad (established since 04.01.2008 in the erstwhile state of Andhra Pradesh) which looks after the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana under the supervision of Bangalore Zonal Unit.

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