(a) whether the Union Government has set up any Empowered Committee on Deep Sea Fishing;

(b) if so, the details and objectives thereof;

(c) whether fishing associations have been included in the Committee;

(d) if so, the details of its constitution; and

(e) the time by which the Committee is likely to submit its report ?

Answer given by the minister


(a)to(d): Yes Sir. The Union Government has set up an Inter-ministerial Empowered Committee on Marine Fisheries. The objective of the Committee is to make recommendations on various issues related to development of marine fisheries in India.

Being an Inter-ministerial Committee concerned Central Ministries/ Departments and Institutions are the members of the Committee. However, the Committee grants hearing to representatives of Deep sea fishing Industry and the Associations as and when need arises. The composition of the Committee and its terms and reference are furnished in the annexure.

(e): Being a standing Committee, it meets as often as required and makes its recommendations on the issues that are brought up before it.

Annexure with Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 1672 due for Answer on 7.8.06


Subject:-Constitution of Inter-Ministerial Empowered Committee on Marine Fisheries - regarding

It has been decided with the approval of Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs to set up an Empowered Committee on Marine Fisheries for making recommendation on various issues related to development of marine fisheries in India.

2. The composition of the committee will be:-

1. Secretary, Deptt. of Animal Husbandry & Dairying Chairperson 2. Adviser (Agri), Planning Commission Member 3. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Finance, D/o Economic Affairs Member 4. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs Member 5. Joint Secretary, (Navy), Ministry of Defence Member 6. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Commerce Member 7. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Shipping Member 8. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Communications Member 9. Joint Secretary (Fisheries), DAH&D Member 10. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas Member 11. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Environment & Forests Member 12. Director General of Foreign Trade or his representative Member 13. Director General, Coast Guard or his representative Member 14. Director General, Fishery Survey of India, Mumbai Member 15. Director General of Shipping or his representative Member 16. Chairman, M.P.E.D.A., Cochin Member 17. Fisheries Development Commissioner, DAH&D MemberSecretary

3. Terms of Reference of the Committee would be as follows:

(i) To consider proposals of Indian entrepreneurs for deep sea fishing by acquisition through construction/import of deep sea fishing vessels for issuance of Letter of Permission;

(ii) To prescribe norms for joint venture, development of post harvest technologies, infrastructure and human resource development in the sector; and

(iii) To advice the Government on implementation of any other aspects of Comprehensive Marine Fishing Policy as and when referred to it.

4. The committee shall meet as often as required, but not less than once in six months. TA/DA of the members, if any, will be borne by their respective Department/Organisation. `

SD. (P.K. Pattanaik) Joint Secretary to the Government of India