Question : Hill Area Development Programme (HADP)

(a) the status and function of NITI Aayog‘s Hill Areas Development Programme (HADP) under which major part of Darjeeling region is included;

(b) the details of allocation under special central financial assistance for HADP since 2014 till date; and

(c) the details of projects undertaken, financial allocation, and their current status?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to(c): The Hill Areas Development Programme (HADP) has been discontinued from Special Central Assistance since 2015-16. As per the statement for ''Major Programmes under Central Assistance for State Plans'' of the Union Budget Documents for the year 2015-16, "the Special Central Assistance-Hill Area programme is delinked from Union Support and this programme will hence forth be either run by the States from their enhanced resources or they have been subsumed in the FFC award".


Major Programmes under Central Assistance for State Plans

In the spirit of “Cooperation Federalism” Government has accepted the recommendations of Fourteenth Finance Commission to develop 42% of Union Taxes to States. To achieve the compositional shift in fiscal transfer as envisaged by Fourteenth Finance Commission, Central Assistance to State Plan has been restructured.
Despite pressure on Union Finances, Government has decided to run welfare programmes for poor and socially disadvantaged is an unchanged manner. Similarly legal/ constitutional obligation or Union and privilege available to Hon’ble Member’s of Parliament for serving their constituents are fully protected.
On account of enhanced resources available with state some programmes will be run with a changed sharing pattern. Only in respect of some programmes, Union support will be delinked. These Programmes have either become a part of devolution or States will continue (or not) with these programmes.
Major programmes under Central assistance to State Plan are as given in the list below:-

(In crore of Rupees)
2014-2015 Revised 2015-2016 Budget
(A) Scheme to be fully supported by Union Government
of which major items
1. Additional Central Assistance for Externally Aided Projects 11900.00 12500.00
2. Additional Central Assistance for Externally Aided Projects 3200.00 3500.00
3. Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana 9959.59 10100.00
4. Roads and Bridges finance from Central Road fund 2607.06 2868.00
5. Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme(MPLADS) 3950.00 3950.00

6. Grants from central Pool of Resources for North Eastern region and Sikkim 704.50 970.00

7. Scheme of North Eastern Council 549.00 740.00
8. Special Package for Bodoland Territorial Council 30.00 50.00

9. National Social Assistance Programme 7187.95 9000.00
10. Assistance for schemes under proviso(i) to Article 275(1) of the Constitution 1134.88 1367.00
11. Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub-Plan 1040.03 1250.00
12. Umbrella Schemes for Education of ST Children 1065.85 1136.84
13. Schemes financed from Prarambhik Shiksha Kosh (PSK) 22249.26 27575.00
14. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGA) 32456.00 33700.00
15. Multi Sectoral Development Programme for Minorities(MSDP) 766.48
16. Various Scholarship programme for SC,ST and OBCs 3286.54 3291.00
17. Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana 33.00 200.00
18. Support to Educational Development inducing Teacher Training and Adult Education 919.13 1012.50
19. Border Area Development Programme 800.00 990.00
20. Project Tiger 161.02 136.45
21. Project Elephant 14.00 13.70
22. Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY) 358.40 400.00
23. Social Security for Unorganized Workers Scheme 539.74 1290.52

(B) Schemes to be run with the Changed Pattern

(In respect of these schemes Centre: States funding pattern will undergo a change in view of FFC award to ensure that the total resources for the programme are not changed. Thus total finances for the programme will not be undergo change.)
of which major items
1 Krishonnati Yojana (State Plan)
of which 14173.81 9000.00
a. Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana(RKVY) 8444.00 4500.00
b. National Food Security Mission 1830.00 1300.00
c. Sub-Mission on Agriculture Extension 470.08 450.00
2 Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana
of which 5623.26 5300.00
a. Per drop More crop (Micro Irrigation) 30.00 1800.00
b. Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (Watershed Component erstwhile Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) 2312.70 1500.00
c. Accelerated Irrigation Benefit and Flood Management Programme 3276.56 1000.00
d. Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana 4.00 1000.00
3 Umbrella programme “Swacha Bharat Abhiyaan (Includes Sanitation and Drinking Water 11938.50 6000.00
4 Afforestation and development of Wildlife Habitats 545.62 299.39
5 National AIDS and STD Control Programme 890.89 500.00
6 Promotion of AYUSH 117.36 300.00
7 National Health Mission 17433.99 18000.00
8 National Livelihood Mission 2034.40 1800.00
9 Secondary Education 3432.39 3493.00
10 Higher Education 1411.42 1632.77
11 Housing For All 12393.87 14000.00
12 Urban Rejuvenation Mission-500 Habitation and Mission for Development of 100 Smart Cities 2431.10 6000.00
13 Integrated Child Development Services 16316.05 8000.00

(C) Schemes delinked from Union Support
(These programmes will hence be either run by the State from their enhanced resources or they have been subsumed in the FFC award)
1. National e-Governance Action Plan (NeGAP) 464.00 …
2. National Scheme for Modernisation of police
and Other Forces 1433.20 …
3. Scheme for setting up of 6000 Model Schools In Block Level as Bench Mark of Excellence 1020.99 1.00
4. Scheme for Central Assistance to the States for developing export infrastructure and other allied activities 564.84 …

5. Tourism Infrastructure 495.00 …
6. Backward Regions Grant Fund-State Component 3450.00 …
7. Normal Central Assistance 26814.00 …
8. Other Additional Central Assistance 1780.00 …
9. Special Central Assistance 10150.00 …
10. Special Central Assistance-Hill Areas 220.00 …
11. Special Plan Assistance 7666.00 …
12. Backward Regions Grants Fund 2837.00 …

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