(a) whether the Government has any project to tap solar energy for lighting purpose of private houses and Government offices;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether the Government has chalked out any plan to subsidise the erection of solar panels at private houses;

(d) if so, the details thereof;

(e) whether the statistics concerning the quantum of electricity generated thereby in the country is available; and

(f) if so, the details thereof and the State-wise quantum of electricity generated?

Answer given by the minister


(a),(b),(c)&(d): Under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM), the Ministry is financially supporting during 2010-11, installation of off-grid solar applications including solar lights and other solar energy systems through a combination of 30% subsidy and/ or 5% interest bearing loans by individuals, non-commercial entities and industrial/ commercial entities. Under the first phase of the JNNSM upto 2013, Government has set a target of 200 MW equivalent of the off-grid solar applications and 7 million sq. meters of solar thermal collector area.

(e)&(f): Off-grid SPV systems provide lights to individuals and communities and meet small electrical requirements. State-wise list of off-grid SPV systems installed in the country as on 31.03.2010 is given in the Annexure.


Annexure referred to in reply to Parts (e)&(f) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 5219

S.No.	State-wise cumulative installation of SPV systems (31.03.2010)	State/UT	Solar Photovoltic Systems	Stand alone	Lanterns	Home	Street	Water	power plants	Nos.	Lights	lights	Pumps	(kWp)	Nos.	Nos.	Nos.
1 Andhra Pradesh 35799 1957 4044 613 213.3 2 Arunachal Pradesh 13937 7120 1071 15 17.1 3 Assam 1211 5870 98 45 9 4 Bihar 50117 3170 955 139 0 5 Chhattisgarh 3192 7211 1889 166 99.72 6 Goa 1027 362 463 15 1.72 7 Gujarat 31603 9231 2004 85 100.5 8 Haryana 71646 28213 9878 469 434.4 9 Himachal Pradesh 22970 16848 2994 6 1.5 10 Jammu & Kashmir 28672 23083 5596 39 175.6 11 Jharkhand 16374 4314 620 0 0 12 Karnataka 7334 28128 2694 551 29.41 13 Kerala 41181 32326 1090 810 44.7 14 Madhya Pradesh 9444 2651 6054 87 22.4 15 Maharashtra 68683 1972 5471 228 6.44 16 Manipur 4787 3500 490 40 28 17 Meghalaya 24875 7840 1273 19 50.5 18 Mizoram 5812 3045 431 37 109 19 Nagaland 6317 720 271 3 6 20 Orissa 9882 5156 5819 56 74.515 21 Punjab 17495 8620 4337 1857 121 22 Rajasthan 4716 67305 6632 283 25.8 23 Sikkim 2470 3890 212 0 16.7 24 Tamil Nadu 16818 1557 5885 829 39.5 25 Tripura 42360 26066 1199 151 24.57 26 Uttar Pradesh 52815 92124 4117 751 129.2 27 Uttarakhand 64023 91307 7673 26 80.03 28 West Bengal 17662 111090 27512 48 675 29 Andaman & Nicobar 6296 405 358 5 167 30 Chandigarh 1675 275 229 12 0 31 Delhi 4753 0 301 89 80 32 Lakshadweep 0 0 0 0 85 33 Puducherry 1637 25 417 21 0 34 Others 125797 24047 9150 0 58   Total 813380 619428 121227 7495 2925.6