(a): The details of per capita availability, projected demand and estimated production
(supply) of foodgrains in the country during 2007-08 to 2010-11 (latest available) are
given in the table below:
Year Crop Per Capita Projected Estimated Excess Availability Demand Production (+)/ (KglYear) (Supply) Shortfall (-)
2007-08 Rice 70.80 90.91 96.69 5.78 Wheat 57.60 71.19 78.57 7.38 Coarse Cereals 20.30 35.14 40.75 5.61 Pulses 12.90 16.77 14.76 -2.01 Foodgrains 161.60 214.02 230.78 16.76 Rice 64.00 92.87 99.18 6.31 Wheat 53.00 72.72 80.68 7.96
2008-09 Coarse Cereals 19.70 35.90 40.04 4.14 Pulses 15.30 17.51 14.57 -2.94 Foodgrains 159.20 219.01 234.47 15.46 Rice 68.80 94.83 89.09 -5.74 Wheat 56.50 74.26 80.80 6.54
2009-10 Coarse Cereals 23.30 36.65 33.55 -3.10 Pulses 13.50 18.29 14.66 -3.63 Foodgrains 162.10 224.04 218.11 -5.93 Rice 67.40 96.81 95.32 -1.49
2010-11 Wheat 61.30 75.80 85.93 10.13 Coarse Cereals 19.80 37.42 42.22 4.80 Pulses 11.60 19.08 18.09 -0.99 Foodgrains 160.1 229.12 241.56 12.44
Note: For 2010-11, the figures of per capita availability are Provisional and the
production figures are as per 4th advance estimates released on 19.07.2011.
(b) to (d): While the country has achieved self-sufficiency in production of rice and
wheat, import dependence to meet the demand of pulses continues.
In order to increase `the production of foodgrains including coarse cereals and
pulses in the country to meet their demand and achieve food security, various Crop
Development Schemes and Programmes, namely; National Food Security Mission
(NFSM), Integrated Scheme of Oilseeds, Pulses, Oil Palm and Maize (ISOPOM),
Integrated Cereals Development Programme for Rice/Wheat/Coarse Cereals under
Macro Management of Agriculture and Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) are
being implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture through State Governments. In
addition to above schemes, during 2010-11, two new programmes for bringing Green
Revolution to Eastern India and Integrated Development of 60000 Pulses and
Oilseeds Villages in rainfed areas were initiated under RKVY. National Food Security
Mission has been strengthened from 1.4.2010 with the merger of pulses component
of ISOPOM and inclusion of two new potential States namely; Assam and Jharkhand
for pulses production. A new programme `Accelerated Pulses Production Programme
(A3P)` in the form of block demonstrations has also been started to cover 1000 units
of 1000 hectares each of five pulses crops in 16 pulse growing States of the country.
Further, to stabilize prices of essential commodities in the country, the
Government has also taken various fiscal and administrative measures such as
reduction in import duties, allowing duty free imports, removal of levy obligations, ban
on export of food items and extending their stock limit, allocation of additional
foodgrains for BPL families etc. on case to case basis.