(a) whether there is a mismatch in demand and supply of production of textile products;

(b) if so, the details thereof Sector-wise including Cotton Clothes along with the steps taken by the Government to augment the production capacity to meet the current demand in India and abroad;

(c) whether the Government has formulated a draft National Fibre Policy to promote the textile industry in the country;

(d) if so, the details thereof along with the targets fixed and achieved in this regard; and

(e) the concrete measures taken by the Government to promote textile industry as a whole?

Answer given by the minister


(a): No Madam.

(b): The details of production of textiles products including Cotton Clothes during last three years item wise are given at Annexure-L The Plan of action prepared by Government to augment the production capacity to meet the current demand in India and abroad are

(i) Assistance under Technological Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS),

(ii) (b) Skill development programme under ATDC to make available skill workforce to apparel export sector,

(iii) Capacity Development under DISHA programme and

(iv) Advance License Scheme for import input etc.

(c) & (d): Yes Madam, The National Fibre Policy has been formulated by the Government with a decadal perspective of 2010-20 and seeks to place India firmly on the World Fibre map by strengthening the existing policy framework and providing institutional and technological support for rapid Fibre growth in the country in the coming decade. The Fibre neutral policy seeks to balance the existing disparities within the complete range of fibres by providing additional fiscal and non fiscal incentives for

sustainable growth of all fibres and be competitive in the international market. The key targets of the National Fibre Policy thus include the following:-

(i) It is estimated that the Textiles Industry would require investments worth Rs 188,000 Crores during FY10-FY20 for creating the required capacity along the textile value chain on the basis of estimate of the increased fibre production. Government has in the Union Budget 2013 announced continuation of TUFS with an allocation of Rs. 11952 crores for attracting an investment of Rs. 1,51,000 crores.

(ii) Cotton production is envisaged to rise at a growth rate of 4.7 percent from 319 lakh bales in 2010-11 to 483 lakh bales in 2019-20

(iii) Man Made Fibres and Speciality Fibres domestic demand will rise at growth rate of 8 percent per annum from 3.9 billion kgs in 2015 to 6 billion kgs in 2020. Man-made fibres and speciality fibres are showing an increase in production of 8 percent and total production has reached 1400 million kgs.

(e): The Plan of action prepared by Government to promote textiles industry as a whole are

(a) Continuation of MAI (Market Access Initiatives) and MDA (Market Development Assistance) to apparel export for market diversification and to increase their share in world trade

(b) Skill development programme under ATDC to make available skill workforce to apparel export sector

(c) Assistance under Scheme for Integrated Textile Parks (SITP)

(d) Assistance under Technological Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) and

(e) Integrated Scheme for Powerloom Sector Development (ISPSD).