Question : Ekalavya Model Residential Model School in Kalimpong

(a) the status of Ekalavya Model Residential school proposed to be constructed in Kalimpong district by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs;
(b) the status of the work completed and pending in the school infrastructure; and
(c) the reasons for the delay, if any?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (c) This Ministry has approved establishment of one Eklavya Model Residential School (EMRS) at Kalimpong, West Bengal under the scheme of Article 275(1) of the Constitution of India at a total cost of Rs.16.00 Crore and an amount of Rs.8.00 Crore has been released to the State Government as the first installment of the fund for construction of the school in the year 2020-21. Further provision of land and construction of EMRSs sanctioned under Article 275(1) of the Constitution is the responsibility of the concerned State Government and monitored by National Education Society for Tribal Students (NESTS), NESTS an autonomous society under the Ministry.

As informed by NESTS, the state government has not signed the MOU with NESTS which defines the roles and responsibilities of the State and NESTS. So far the State Government of West Bengal has not furnished the utilization certificate and progress report in respect of first installment of fund released for the purpose. However, the matter is regularly being pursued with the State Government to expedite and complete the construction work at the earliest.

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