Question : Construction of Toilets

(a) the funds allocated for the construction of toilets under the Swachh Bharat Mission-Gramin (SBM-G) across the country during each of the last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise
including Uttar Pradesh;

(b) the number of households benefited under the said scheme during each of the last three years and the current year, State/UT-wise; and

(c) whether the Government has taken/proposes to take steps to accelerate the campaign of construction of toilets under (SBM-G) and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c) A Statement is laid on the table of the House.

Statement referred to in reply to Lok Sabha Starred Question No. *201 for 16.03.2017

(a) Since Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) is demand driven scheme, hence State/UT-wise funds are not allocated. However, State/UT-wise central share released under the Swachh Bharat Mission-Gramin (SBM-G) during each of the last three years and the current year is at Annexure-1.

(b) State/UT-wise, the number of households provided incentive for construction of Individual household latrines(IHHLs) under SBM(G) during each of the last three years and the current year is at Annexure-2.

(c) To accelerate the SBM(G), the following steps have been taken :-

• Focus on behavior change: Community based collective behavior change has been mentioned as the preferred approach. Focus is also on creation of complete open defecation free (ODF) villages.
• The programme provides flexibility to the States in the implementation. This is essential, given the vast socio-economic-cultural diversity of India.
• There is a greater emphasis on capacity building, especially in community approaches and programme management. More than 530 Collectors from across the country have been trained. In order to provide exposure to officers at their entry level itself, a training module has been developed for LBSNAA, Mussoorie. The IAS and other Group A probationers are being given training for better implementation of SBM(G), including ‘triggering’ behavior change in communities.
• The programme is being run as a janandolan with cooperation of all sections of the society including the NGOs, Corporates, youth etc. The Panchayats are being actively involved.
• There is an emphasis on streamlining administrative and financial procedures, both to cut down on time, as well as to increase accountability.
• Innovations in technology is being promoted at the National and State levels. There is a National Committee under Prof. R.A.Mashelkar that examines all new technologies from the point of view of safety and feasibility.
• Sanitation is being prioritized amongst the overall development agenda. The Government has taken a decision to prioritise all Centrally Sponsored Schemes in ODF villages.
• Monitoring and Evaluation has also been strengthened. The IMIS has data up to household level, with provision to capture geo-tagged photographs of toilets. A Swachhta App has been developed that provides online information on sanitation status up to household level.

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