Question : Deaths Caused by Pneumonia

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(a) whether India stands second in the world with regard to deaths of children caused by pneumonia, if so, the reaction of the Government thereto;

(b) whether the Union Government has compiled the data of such deaths during the last three years, State/UT-wise including Dadar and Nagar Haveli and Maharashtra, if so, the details thereof, State/UT-wise;

(c) whether seven lakh infants die every year in the rural areas of the country due to diseases that are preventable or treatable particularly pneumonia, if so, the reasons therefor;

(d) whether any assessment has been made regarding the shortage of specialist doctors and hospitals for the treatment of such diseases, State/UT-wise and if so, the details thereof;

(e) the corrective measures being taken by the Government along with the time by which the appointment of new specialist doctors are proposed to be issued; and

(f) the other concrete measures being taken by the Government to control the increasing number of pneumonia cases?

Answer given by the minister

(a): As per the UNICEF analysis 2019, India stands second in the world in regard to deaths of children caused by Pneumonia. As per this analysis, in 2018 there were 127,000 child pneumonia deaths in the country.

In November 2019, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has launched SAANS (Social Awareness and Actions to Neutralize Pneumonia Successfully) Initiative to accelerate action to reduce deaths due to Childhood Pneumonia under Reproductive, Maternal, and Newborn, Child, Adolescent health and Nutrition (RMNCHA+N) program of National Health Mission.

(b): The death in under 5 children due to Pneumonia reported by States/UTs in Health Management Information System (HMIS) for last three years is at Annexure 1.

(c): As per the Sample Registration System 2017, Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) is 33 per 1000 live birth which translate into 8 lakh infant deaths in a year and out of this estimated 1.2 lakh deaths are due to pneumonia which are mostly preventable or treatable.

(d) & (e): Public Health and Hospitals being a State subject, all the administrative and personnel matters, including recruitment of specialists doctors at Public Health Facilities lies with the State Governments. Also, shortage of doctors in Public Health Facilities varies from State to State depending upon their policies and context. However, as per Bulletin on Rural Health Statistics in India 2019, States/UTs wise shortage of specialist doctors is at Annexure 2.
Under National Health Mission (NHM), financial and technical support is provided to States/UTs to strengthen their healthcare systems with support for recruitment of doctors including specialist on contractual basis, based on the requirements posed by States/UTs in their Programme Implementation Plans (PIPs) within their overall resource envelope.

Under NHM, States/UTs are encouraged to adopt flexible norms for engaging doctors for Public Health Facilities. Financial support is also provided to States/UTs for providing performance-based incentives, hard area allowance, providing accommodation and transport facilities in rural and remote areas etc for engaging doctors in Public Health Facilities.
(f): Under National Health Mission, there is special provision to hire specialist doctors on contract basis. Beside this the Government of India is implementing following interventions under National Health Mission to address Childhood Pneumonia:
• SAANS (Social Awareness and Actions to Neutralize Pneumonia Successfully) Initiative to accelerate action to reduce deaths due to Childhood Pneumonia. The SAANS initiative encompasses a three tiered strategy: i) National Childhood Pneumonia Management Guideline on treatment and management of Childhood Pneumonia; ii) Skill building and training of service providers for identification and standardized management of Pneumonia; and iii) a 3600 communication SAANS Campaign to ensure greater awareness on childhood Pneumonia among families and parents in order to trigger behaviour change and improve care seeking.
• Universal Immunization Programme (UIP) focuses on Measles, Haemophilus Influenzae (B) and Pneumococcal Vaccine for prevention of pneumonia.
• Early initiation and exclusive breastfeeding for first six months and appropriate Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) practices are promoted under Mothers’ Absolute Affection (MAA) initiative.
• Facility based-Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness (F-IMNCI) training to build capacity of Medical Officer and Nurses in Primary Health Centres, First Referral Unit, Community Health Centres, and District Hospital on Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) Management.

S.No States 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
1 A & N Islands 4 10 0
2 Andhra Pradesh 163 576 437
3 Arunachal Pradesh 6 10 12
4 Assam 448 1050 793
5 Bihar 470 836 544
6 Chandigarh 11 45 51
7 Chhattisgarh 565 669 646
8 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 11 26 17
9 Daman & Diu 0 2
10 Delhi 296 817 792
11 Goa 6 11 7
12 Gujarat 520 1337 1166
13 Haryana 184 138 456
14 Himachal Pradesh 56 52 68
15 Jammu & Kashmir 38 45 114
16 Jharkhand 100 225 236
17 Karnataka 372 691 625
18 Kerala 5 157 111
19 Lakshadweep 1 0 2

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