Question : Increasing Number of Vehicles

(a) whether it is a fact that a report submitted in 2016 by the Department of Transport Research has highlighted that highways are not being constructed at the rate at which the number of vehicles are increasing;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor;

(c) the steps taken/proposed to be taken on this report;

(d) the length of roads, in kilometres constructed during the last three years, year-wise and State-wise; and

(e) the present status thereof?

Answer given by the minister



(a) The report, “Road Accidents in India 2016” brought out by Transport Research Wing of Ministry of Road Transport & Highways highlighted the fact that during the period, 2005 to 2015, the number of registered vehicles increased at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.8 per cent, whereas the total road length in the country increased at a CAGR of 3.7 per cent during the same period.

(b) The total road length in 2005 was 38,09,156 km and in 2015 it was 54,72,144 km. Total road length of 2015 comprise 97,991 km (1.79%) of National Highways; 1,67,109 km (3.05%) of State Highways; 11,01,178 km (20.12%) of Other PWD Roads; 33,37,255 km (61%) of Rural Roads; 4,67,106 km (8.54%) of Urban Roads; and 3,01,505 km (5.5%) of Project Roads. Percentages in parenthesis are with respect to total road length. The number of total registered vehicles in 2005 was 81,499 thousands and in 2015 it was 210,023 thousands. Sustained economic growth and increased disposable income of households have led to high rate of growth in the number of registered vehicles

(c) to (e) Keeping in view the requirements to enhance Road Safety, reduce congestions, improve road connectivity / conditions, the Ministry has taken decision to augment the National Highways Network of existing 1,20,144 km (details at Annexure-I). About 57,200 km length of State Roads have been approved “In-Principle” for their declaration as new National Highways subject to outcome of their Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) and initiatives have been taken for their DPR preparations. Ministry has also reduced threshold traffic for 4-laning of NHs from 15,000; 11,000; and 8,000 Passenger Car Units (PCUs) per day to 10,000; 8,500 and 6,000 PCUs/day for Plain, Rolling, and Mountainous/Steep Terrains respectively. Decisions have been taken to entrust 4-laning of all such NHs to the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) for their implementation through additional market borrowings, etc., in a phased manner by leveraging limited available budgetary allocation. The State-wise details of the National Highways constructed during each of the last three years and the current year is given at Annexure-II.

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