Question : Nagar Van Udyan Yojana

(a) the salient features of the Nagar Van Udyan Yojana;
(b) the details of States/cities covered under this Yojana in the country including Maharashtra;
(c) the details of the funds sanctioned, allocated and utilised under this Yojana so far, State/UT wise;
(d) the details of the targets fixed and achievements made so far in this regard; and
(e) whether the Government has received any complaint regarding misuse of the funds allocated under this Yojana in some of the States and if so, the details thereof and the action taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (e)A statement is laid on the Table of the House.


Statement referred to in the reply to parts (a) to (e) of Lok Sabha Question No.523 regarding Nagar Van Udyan Yojana, raised by Shri George Baker and Shri Anil Shirole, due for oral answer on 11th April 2017.

(a) The proposal for ‘Nagar Van Udyan Yojana’ was approved in principle in the 6th meeting of the National CAMPA Advisory Council, held on 8th July 2015.

i. The salient features of the Project are as under :

• To create 200 city forests of area between 20 ha and 100 ha in the country. A city forest will be developed in each city with Municipal Council ;
• To create awareness on plants and biodiversity ;
• Conservation education on important flora and fauna of the region including threat perception ;
• Ecological rejuvenation of the cities – Forests the green lungs will contribute to environmental improvement of cities by pollution mitigation, cleaner air, noise reduction, water harvesting and reduction of hat islands effect ;
• In-situ biodiversity conservation ;
• Health benefits to citizens ;
• Making cities climate resilient. ;

ii. the release of an amount of Rs.50 crores for the project during 2015-16 ;
iii. The scheme envisages sanction of funds @ Rs.2 lakhs per hectare. 20% of funds to be made available by the State Government; 80% of the funds to be provided from CAMPA funds

(b)&(c) proposals for financing under the Nagar Van Udyan Yojana have been invited from all States and Union Territories. The details of funds sanctioned and utilized in various States/ UTs is contained in the statement at Annexure ;

(d) there are no fixed physical targets fixed under the Nagar Van Yojana Scheme.

(e) No, Sir.


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