(a) whether over a hundred persons had built godowns in Punjab for Food Corporation of India under a guarantee scheme over twenty years back; (

(b) if so, the number of each godowns and their capacity with FCI at present; (

(c) whether any revision in the rent of such godowns has been affected from time to time;

(d) if so, the details thereof and the rent paid for the Central Warehousing godowns as also of the open plinths; and

(e) the action taken thereon?

Answer given by the minister

(a): Yes, Sir.
(b): At present the Food Corporation of India has 165 such godowns with a total capacity of about 13.50 lakhs tonnes as on 1.2.2000 in the State of Punjab.
(c), (d) & (e): As per the terms and conditions of the Agricultural Refinance Development Corporation (ARDC) Scheme, all such godowns were hired by the FCI, for a guaranteed period of five years with an option to extend it by another one year on the same terms and conditions. The rent ceilings of such godowns were fixed @40 paise and 50 paise per sq.ft. per month in Rural/Urban areas After expiry of its guarantee period, all these godowns came under general hiring and the rents were fixed by the competent authority as per guidelines of Headquarters issued from time to time. Rent ceilings under general Hiring Scheme for the covered godowns as well as Covered Area & Plinths (CAP) were as under:-


(w.e.f.) Ceiling Rates for SRM
Covered Godowns CAP (Plinths)

Rural Urban 24.10.75 33 Paise 5 Paise 5 Paise

4.7.84 60 Paise 5 Paise 5 Paise 11.3.85 60 Paise 25 Paise 30 Paise 25.7.94 to 24.7.96 85 Paise/Rs.1/- (in Rural/Urban areas)
(In view of the Heavy procurement, lower off take the rent ceiling temporarily revised for two years for fresh hiring of godowns) 25.6.99 60 Paise 35 Paise 40 Paise 24.12.99 80 Paise 45 Paise 50 Paise 24.1.2000

(For revison of rentals of private godowns in use without lease agreements) Flat increase by 2.5 % annually on the existing basic rent without compounding from the first year of the new lease period.
However, Zonal Mangers of FCI have been delegated with full powers to decide the rentals of covered godowns of the private parties beyond the ceiling rates whereas for CAP (Plinths) storage these ceiling rates are maximum. Storage charges that are payable to CWC include weighment charges, preservation, establishment charges and all other operations and hence are not comparable with the private capacities being hired and managed by FCI. The existing rate for CWC is Rs. 2.10 per bag (95 Kg.) per month for covered godowns. The rates for CAP storage are decided mutually by CWC and FCI.