Question : Kerosene Dealership

(a) whether the Government is aware that Kerosene dealership is cancelled by the Oil Marketing Companies across the country;
(b) if so, the details thereof along with the number of dealers affected, State/UTwise;
(c) whether the Oil companies are giving other opportunities to Kerosene dealers across the country, if so, the details thereof;
(d) whether any inquiry has been conducted to find out the persons who are still using kerosene; and
(e) if so, the outcome thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a) & (b) Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) have informed that they have terminated 29 Kerosene dealerships during the last 3 years and current year up to September, 2019. The State/UTwise details are given in Annexure.
(c) In order to rehabilitate unviable PDS Kerosene dealers, domestic LPG distributor selection guidelines/retail outlet dealership selection guidelines have been amended by OMCs relaxing certain eligibility criteria to enable them to participate in the selection process.
OMCs have also implemented policy on award of Non-Domestic (ND) LPG/ Free Trade LPG (FTL) distributorship on nomination basis
in order to rehabilitate PDS Kerosene dealers in Kerosene free States/UT and unviable SKO dealers.
(d) & (e) OMCs have informed that they have not conducted any inquiry to find out the persons who are still using kerosene.

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