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(a): As per the latest data available on land use statistics, details of net irrigated and net un-irrigated area in the country for the years 2010-11 to 2014-15 is as follows:
(thousand hectares)
Year Net Irrigated Area Net Un-Irrigated Area
2010-11 63665 77898
2011-12 65707 75272
2012-13 66285 73650
2013-14 68116 73312
2014-15 68383 71747
(b): As per the latest data available on land use statistics, the percentage of land irrigated by various sources for the year 2014-15, is as follows:
(thousand hectares)
Source of Irrigation Land Irrigated Percentage of Net Irrigated Area
Government Canals 16019.54 23.43
Private Canals 162.92 0.24
Tanks 1722.81 2.52
Tube-wells 31605.67 46.22
Other wells 11353.72 16.60
Other Sources 7518.78 10.99
As per the latest data available on land use statistics, barren & unculturable land in the country including desert and other areas in 2014-15 is 5.52 percent of the reporting area.
(c): As per the latest data available on land use statistics, agricultural land in the country in 2005-06 was 59.53 percent of the reporting area and estimated to have slightly declined to 59.09 percent in 2014-15. The reduction has been mainly due to diversion of land for non-agricultural purposes such as urbanization, roads, industries, housing etc.
(d): Agricultural production and productivity in the country has been generally increasing with the exception of the years affected by drought, floods, other natural calamities, etc. As per the Fourth Advance estimates of production of food grains 2017-18, the production of total food grains is estimated at 284.83 Million Tonnes in 2017-18.
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