(a) to (f): A statement is enclosed.
Statement referred to in reply to parts (a) to (f) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.4370
for reply on 20-08-2010
The cadre-wise details of sanctioned strength and working strength at field level as
on 31-03-2009 is as under:-
S.No. Name of Post Sanctioned Working Shortage at Shortage as strength strength field %of Sanctioned (SS) (WS) at level Strength field Level
I. Chief Commissioner 116 83 33 28 of Income Tax/Director General of Income Tax
2. Commissioner of 729 676 53 7 Income Tax/Director of Income Tax
3. Additional 1253 773 480 38 Commissioner of Income Tax/Joint Commissioner of Income Tax
4. Assistant 2094 1555 539 26 Commissioner of Income Tax/Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax
5. Income Tax Officer 4329 4181 148 3
6. Income Tax 9198 8027 1171 13 Inspector
Source: Data Base Cell. Central Board of Direct Taxes in respect of Group `A` posts and Cadre
Controlling Regions in respect of income Tax Officers and Income Tax Inspectors.
Vacancies are manned by the existing incumbents by holding additional charge so that
the work is not affected.
The shortage at field level arises mainly on account of superannuation. In the case of
Additional/ Joint Commissioners, the shortage is because there are a large number of Additional
Commissioners on deputation and there are not sufficient officers eligible to be promoted as
Joint Commissioners. As regards Assistant Commissioners, two batches of probationers undergo
training at the National Academy of Direct Taxes, Nagpur, at any point of time and they are posted
to the field only after completion of their training. Actions to fill up the vacancies have been
taken as per Government of India instructions.