Question : Skill Development Training

(a) whether the Union Government has launched any program to provide skill development training to the rural youth and farmers in agriculture and allied sectors under the Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) Scheme;
(b) if so, the details thereof;
(c) if not, the reasons therefor;
(d) whether there is a provision to impart agriculture specific training to female farmers;
(e) the number of youth and female farmers trained in Chhattisgarh since the inception of the said programme; and
(f) the details of the results achieved in the agriculture sector after imparting the said training to them?

Answer given by the minister

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(a)to(c) A Centrally Sponsored Scheme ‘Support to State Extension Programs for Extension Reforms” popularly known as ATMA Scheme is under implementation since 2005. Presently, Scheme is being implemented in 691 districts of 28 states & 5 UTs in the country (Including all the 27 districts of Chhattisgarh). The scheme promotes decentralized farmer-friendly extension system in the country. The objectives of the Scheme is to support State Government’s efforts and to make available latest agricultural technologies and good agricultural practices in different thematic areas of agriculture and allied areas to farmersincluding rural youth farmersthrough different extension activities viz; Farmers Training, Demonstrations, Exposure Visits, Kisan Mela, Mobilization of Farmers Groups and organizing Farm Schools etc. Through these activities awareness is created among farmers regarding new technologies for development of agriculture sector.

(d) It is provisioned in ATMA Guidelines that generally 30% beneficiaries of the Scheme should be women farmers.

(e) Since inception (2005-06 to 2021-22 till 31st December, 2021) total 16,68,947 farmers of Chhattisgarh State (Including rural youth and female farmers) have been benefited under the Scheme. Year-wise details of Male & Female farmers beneficiaries is given at Annexure-I. The Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) of Chhattisgarh trained 35,151 rural youth and 83,797 female farmers during last five years.

(f) As per assessment of 3rd party evaluation and impact assessment study of ATMA Scheme carried out during 2020, Farm Demonstrations and Farm School activities of ATMA Scheme have a good learning impact on farmers and the production is also increasing.

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