Question : POSHAN Abhiyan

(a) the details of funds released and utilized under the Prime Minister''s Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nutrition (POSHAN) till December, 2019, State-wise;
(b) whether the Ministry has studied the reasons for non-utilisation of even fifty percent of the funds released by the Government, since the inception of this scheme by the States, if so, the details and the outcome thereof;
(c) the steps taken by Government to ensure maximum utilisation of funds by States under the said scheme; and
(d) whether the Ministry has conducted any study on the results of this mission since 2017-18 and if so, the findings thereof?

Answer given by the minister



(a) The State/UT wise statement of funds released and funds utilized under POSHAN Abhiyaan during FY 2018-19 till December, 2019 is at Annexure 1.

(b) and (c) Any unutilized fund / excess expenditure incurred during a particular year under POSHAN Abhiyaan is adjusted in the allocation/release of the succeeding year. States/UTs are advised to utilise the funds allocated under various components of POSHAN Abhiyaan as per the cost norms for effective implementation of the scheme.

(d) Ministry of Women & Child Development has not conducted any such study.


Annexure I
State/UT-wise statement of funds released and utilization under POSHAN Abhiyaan as on 31.12.2019

S.No. State/UT Total funds released till 31.12.2019 Total Central fund utilization till 31.12.2019
1. Andhra Pradesh 16759.61 8677.99
2. Bihar 32065.11 18373.30
3. Chhattisgarh 11297.63 3096.26
4. Delhi 3152.83 1254.14
5. Goa 435.85 101.68
6. Gujarat 21795.7 11222.25
7. Haryana 6393.43 2696.94
8. Himachal Pradesh 8190.41 4966.17
9. Jammu & Kashmir 8732.11 2188.33
10. Jharkhand 7540.04 2065.05
11. Karnataka 13221.94 420.68
12. Kerala 7765.28 2455.31
13. Madhya Pradesh 37844.37 12404.30
14. Maharashtra 56623.06 23602.32
15. Odisha 15172.11 0.00
16. Puducherry 929.94 224.71
17. Punjab 6909.84 306.50
18. Rajasthan 13897.25 6315.69
19. Tamil Nadu 13551.44 10464.20
20. Telangana 17335.64 4579.10
21. Uttar Pradesh 38023.47 17132.35
22. Uttarakhand 9863.82 3768.19
23. West Bengal 24839.38 0.00
24. Arunachal Pradesh 2716.28 368.30
25. Assam 31961.63 11591.74
26. Manipur 4205.83 1233.24
27. Meghalaya 3883.05 2144.45
28. Mizoram 1979.03 1461.47
29. Nagaland 2860.88 1561.92
30. Sikkim 971.06 436.75
31. Tripura 3973.63 810.75
32. Andaman & Nicobar 824.73 224.49
33. Chandigarh 992.67 257.68
34. Dadra & Nagar Haveli
919.31 805.14
Daman & Diu 686.70 197.66
35. Ladakh -- --
36. Lakshadweep 325.65 198.90

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