(a) whether the Government has taken note of the incidents of pilferage of petrol from Mathura–Bijwasan pipeline during January, 2011;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) the number of other such cases of pilferage of petrol which have come to notice of the Government during the last two years alongwith the action taken thereon ; and

(d) the arrangements made by the Government for checking such incidents of pilferage of petrol, preventing fire incidents and leakage of petrol in the future ?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): IOCL has reported that no incident regarding theft of petrol has occurred from Mathura-Bijwasan pipeline during January, 2011.

(c): The oil PSUs have reported that during the last two years, 4 cases of pilferage of petrol have occurred and FIRs have been lodged in all these cases.

(d): To check the incidents of pilferage from oil pipelines, details of the arrangements made by the oil PSUs are given at Annexure-I.


Annexure referred to in reply to part (d) of Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.2844 for reply on 18.08.2011.

The preventive steps to check the pilferage attempts taken by the Government are as follows :

1. Monitoring of Operational Parameters

# Round the clock monitoring of Pipeline flow and pressure through Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA) for all the pipelines.

# Monitoring of Leak Detection System (LDS) based on flow and pressure measurements indicates any major leakage or pilferage on the pipelines.

2. Physical Monitoring of Right of Way (ROW)

# Daily foot patrolling by Line Patrolmen (LPMs) and DGR guards covering 8 km stretch per day.

# Night patrolling (with armed guards) for identified vulnerable stretches of pipeline ROW as well as road crossings.

# Checking & verifying any abnormality along the ROW and nearby area such as heavy vehicle tyre mark, loose soil, smell of petroleum etc.

3. Villager Awareness Program

# Continuous interaction & sensitizing villagers by conducting awareness programs by arranging free medical check-up camps, tree plantation drives in villages, intensive community development programs along pipeline ROW etc.

4. Electronic Surveillance

# Continuous monitoring of RCP’s (Repeater cum Cathodic Protection System) through CCTV based surveillance system;

# Trial taken for monitoring movement of Line patrolmen/ Night guards through Global Positioning System (GPS), under implementation.

5. Liaison with Govt. Authorities

# Issue of pilferages taken up at the highest level of the Police Officials in all the states. Also regular interaction maintained with Civil Administration

# Oil Security Coordination Committees are formed in states of Gujarat and Rajasthan where Quarterly/Half yearly meetings are being held.

# Arrangement made with Police under which one Police officer in every District is identified to act as Nodal Officer, who is regularly in touch with concerned officials. Time to time, day and night patrolling of Mainline ROW is being carried out jointly with Police also.

# Close information exchange is maintained with other oil companies in regard to pilferage incidences.

6. Reward Scheme

# Reward scheme has been implemented in pipelines for informers-villagers giving 1st hand information on pilferage attempts on pipelines.