(a)& (b): As per information received from Food Corporation of India (FCI) as on 1.11.2012
total 145756 tons of old wheat stock and 91159 tons of old rice stock was available in
owned and rented godowns. Details are at Annexure-I. Further, 311942 tons of lower category
foodgrain stocks (307845 tons wheat and 4097 tons of rice) was available as on 1.11.2012.
Details are at Annexure-II. A quantity of 3631.35 tons of non-issuable foodgrains (2348.9
tons of wheat, 1271.45 ton of rice and 11.0 tons of paddy) was available with FCI as on 1.11.2012. Details are at Annexure-III. The quality of foodgrains during storage may
deteriorate or some quantity may get damaged due to various reasons such as storage pest
attack, leakages in godowns, procurement of poor quality stocks, spillage during movement
and handling of stocks, exposure to rains, floods, negligence on the part of concerned
persons in taking precautionary measures etc.
The total storage capacity available with FCI as on 31.10.2012 is 374.55 lakh tons (covered 335.61 lakh and CAP 38.94 lakh tons) and with State agencies 341.35 lakh tons
(including 147.18 lakh ton CAP) as on 31.5.2012. Details are at Annexure âIV. The statements
showing State-wise details of storage capacity available with FCI and stocks held as on 31.3.2012,
31.3.2011 and 31.3.2010 are at Annexure- V, VI & VII respectively. Details of region-wise stock
of foodgrains accrued as damaged/ non-issuable in FCI during last three years and current year
is at Annexure VIII. Damaged foodgrains are disposed off through rate running contract or tender
sale. Region-wise details of disposal of damaged/ non-issuable foodgrains through tender sale
during last three years is at Annexure IX.
(c ): Foodgrains under central pool are procured as per prescribed uniform quality specifications
and stored in scientific godowns. The prescribed scientific code of storage practices are followed
to maintain the quality of foodgrains and to avoid damage. Generally, âFirst in first-outâ (FIFO)
principle is followed during liquidation of stocks. Foodgrains procured by the field functionaries
are subjected to supervisory checks/inspections. As a result of such regular as well as surprise
inspections, cases relating to procurement of sub-standard/damaged stocks were detected in FCI and
deterrent action taken against the responsible officials. Disciplinary action taken against such
officials during the last three years and current year are as under:-
No. of officials proceeded against for rotting /damage of foodgrains
2009-10 28
2010-11 20
2012-13 10 (upto Juneâ12)
Further, in view of surplus stocks of foodgrains under central pool, various steps have been taken to liquidate
the stocks through additional allocations, Open market sale scheme, export etc. In addition, steps have been
taken to augment the storage capacity.
(d): The storage capacity requirement depends upon the procurement level, buffer stocking and PDS requirement
of the Consuming States. To augment the storage capacity Government of India has formulated a scheme called
Private Entrepreneurs Guarantee (PEG) Scheme for construction of storage capacity though Private
Entrepreneurs, CWC & SWCs. A capacity of 181.08 lakh tons has been approved for construction of godowns
in 19 States under PEG scheme which include 20 lakh tons of storage capacity for silos. Besides the
PEG scheme, there is a plan scheme for creation of total additional storage capacity of 5.40 lakh tons
in North Eastern States to FCI under which during 11th Five Year Plan some other deficit States have
also been covered. Under the PEG scheme a cumulative capacity of 31.56 lakh tons has been constructed
till 31.10.2012, including the capacity constructed under the scheme in 2011-12. Under the plan scheme
a capacity of 11255 tons has been constructed in the year 2011-12 and a capacity of 4570 tons in the year
2012-13(upto 31.10.2012). The details are at Annexure âX.
During the 12th Five Year Plan FCI proposed to create 5,88,360MT capacity godowns with a
tentative cost of Rs. 566crores in order to bridge the storage gap in North Eastern Areas including Sikkim
and in other parts of the country.
State-wise details of storage capacity proposed to be created and also tentative expenditure only, since no
funds at this stage can be allocated for the ensuing years, is placed at Annexure-XI.