Minister of State in the Ministry of Planning and Minister of State in the Ministry of
Parliamentary Affairs; and Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances
and Pensions. (SHRI V. NARAYANASAMY)
(a) to (c): The information is part of individual case records and is not maintained centrally.
However, the number of Disproportionate Assets cases registered, disposed of from trial and
ended in conviction upto 31.10.2010 is as under:
Year No. of DA No. of DA No. of DA Otherwise disposed cases cases cases ended of DA cases registered disposed of in conviction during the year from trial during during the year the year
2007 97 28 10 1
2008 93 24 11 1
2009 84 36 14 5
2010 46 32 9 0
(upto 31.10.2010)
Consequential action against the convicted officer (s) is taken under concerned Discipline and
Appeal rules.
(d): The action is taken as per law.
(e) : The Government is fully alive and committed to implement its policy of âZero Tolerance
against Corruptionâ. Several steps have been taken during the last few years to combat
corruption and to improve the functioning of Government. These, inter alia, include:-
(i). Issue of Whistle Blowers Resolution, 2004 and introduction of the Public Interest
Disclosure and Protection to Persons Making the Disclosure Bill, 2010 in the Lok Sabha on
26th August, 2010.
(ii). Enactment of Right to Information Act, 2005.
(iii). The pro-active involvement of Ministry/Department through Annual Action Plan on
vigilance as a preventive measure;
(iv). Issue of comprehensive instructions on transparency in tendering and contracting
process by the CVC;
(v). Issue of instructions by the CVC asking the organizations to adopt Integrity Pact in
major Government procurement activities. More than 50 organizations have adopted the
Integrity Pact. Similar instructions have been issued by the Central Government on 16th
June 2009 advising the State Governments to adopt Integrity Pact in major procurements;
(vi). Introduction of e-Governance and simplification of procedures and systems;
(vii). Issue of Citizen Charters.