Question : Bank of Land Holdings

(a) whether the Government is examining the possibility of making a bank of all its surplus land holdings across the country from which parcels could be auctioned to private industry, if so, the details thereof; and

(b) whether the move is to ensure that non-availability of land does not dampen new investments and economic growth, if so, the details thereof and the status of its implementation?

Answer given by the minister

The Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance

(a) & (b): Government has set up two committees under the Chairmanship of Secretary, Economic Affairs. One Working Committee has been constituted for preparation of Central databank; for uploading data with regard to Government land on the web-portal created for the purpose of Centralized databank of inventory of all Government land including that belonging to Government Controlled Statutory Authorities and Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs). The other Committee has been constituted for suggesting broad guidelines on the issues relating to procedure for exchange, transfer, leasing, licensing and sale of land held by Government and Government Controlled Statutory Authorities and Central PSUs.

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