Question : Safe Drinking Water

(a) the percentage of population having access to safe drinking water in the country, State-wise; and
(b) the steps being taken by the Government to provide safe drinking waterfree of chemical and other pollutants to the rest of the population particularly in North-Eastern States?

Answer given by the minister

(a) As reported by States on Integrated Management Information System (IMIS), of the Ministry state-wise details of percentage of population having access to safe drinking water in the country is at Annexure.
(b) Rural drinking water supply is a state subject. This Ministry supplements the efforts of the States by providing them with technical and financial assistance through the centrally sponsored National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) for improving the coverage of clean drinking water to rural population. It is the State Governments who plan, design, execute and operate schemes for providing safe drinking water. Up to 67% fund allocated to the States under NRDWP can be utilized for coverage and tackling water quality problems. Further, 5% of the NRDWP funds are earmarked for Water Quality and allocated to those States with habitations affected by excess chemical/bacteriological contamination. Further, 10% of the total NRDWP fund has been earmarked for North- Eastern States to be given on a 90:10 (Centre:State) sharing basis in comparison to rest of the county where the sharing pattern is 50:50 (Centre:State). Thus the North Eastern States are being given preferential treatment with regard to allocation of funds under NRDWP which can be utilized for providing safe drinking water to rural population. Moreover, the Ministry has advised all the State Governments including North-Eastern States to provide drinking water from safe ground/ surface water sources, after adequate treatment including disinfection.

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