(a) whether any multinational company has come forward to invest in the field of education;

(b) if so, the details in this regard;

(c) whether the Government have any guidelines to balance foreign investment in fifferent areas in order to avoid lopsided growth; and

(d) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): As per the infromation provided by Ministry of Industry (Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion), 16 proposals for foreign technical / financial collaboration in the field of education have been approved from August 1991 to Feburary 2000. The list is annexed. However, there is no information as to whether any of these are multinational companies.

(c) Government is yet to finalise guidelines in this regard.

(d) Does nort arise.


Sl. Indian	Foreign	Location	Foreign	Objective
Company	Collaborator	Equity

1. Gurbir S.Gill, Couanne Margaret - 20.00(80%) Consultancy service in New Delhi Hancock, Austria Education.
2. Asian Education Melewar Academia - 51.00 Programs and Training Ltd, leading to MBA. ConsoRtium BSN, Holding Pte Chennai Singapore
3. The Gramphone Oriental Star Calcutta Techni- Release of audio cassets Company of Agencies cal Case and CDs of Late Ustad Ltd. UK West- Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan India, New Delhi Bengal
4. The Gramphone Oriental Star Calcutta - Release of audio cassettes Company of India Agencies and CDs of Late Ustad Ltd. UK West Bengal Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan New Delhi
5. The Gramphone Mr. Kamal Khan Calcutta - Pre recorded audio Company of India United Kingdom West Bengal Cassettes and CDs Calcutta
6. The Gramphone Mr. Kamal Khan Calcutta - Pre recorded audio Company of India United Kingdom West Bengal Cassettes and CDs Calcutta
7. Minervva Press Hybeck Holding Ltd. Delhi 24.50 To carry on the activities (India) Pvt. Ltd. UK (98%) of publishing of Books. New Delhi
8. - Wrox Press - 50.00 Marleting of books Limited,UK (100%) reprinted and published M/s Shroff publications and distributors Pvt. Ltd.
9. Dorling Kinde- Dorling Kindersely Delhi 0.00 To organise and coordinate Sley Family Ltd. UK (100%) direct marketing of books, Lorni New Videos, CD roms,etc. Delhi
10. - Dorling Kindersley - 290.00 To Direct market Dorling Ltd. USA. (100%) Kindersley`s books, videos and CD roms

11. - Illinois Institute - (100%) To carry on advanced educational activities-financial markets and trading programme, Master`s degree in Telecommunications and Software engineeing-M.Sc. in Computer Science.

12. First Computers, University of Chennai Technical Computers Management Edu- Chennai Indianapolis, Case cation. USA
13. Sunrise Richard Wolff Mumbai Technical Local duplication of video Communications Enterprises, Case copies from foreign educa- Pvt. Ltd. USA tional umaatic masters. Mumbai
14. Emerging Techno- CRM Films,INC - - Local duplication of logies (India), L.P., USA Educational training videos, Mumbai films.

15. Deloitte Haskins IDG Books - 325.00 Engaged in publishing and & Sells, New Worldwide selling of economically Delhi Inc,USA priced editions of IDG books on information technology and various other titles.

16. Little & Com- Grolier Inter- - 86.00 To undertake business of pany (Mr. Dara P. national Inc,USA publishing and distributing Mehta) educational and reference books and educational materials.