Question : Families Living in Unsafe Areas of Coal Mines

(a) whether the Government has conducted any survey to find out the number of families living in unsafe areas of coal mines of each subsidiary unit of Coal India Limited recently;
(b) if so, the details thereof;
(c) the number of families rehabilitated including funds spent subsidiary unit-wise during each of the last three years; and
(d) the steps taken/proposed to be taken by the Government to provide sufficient compensation to these families?

Answer given by the minister


(a)&(b): A Master Plan was approved by Government of India for dealing with fire, subsidence and rehabilitation in leasehold of Eastern Coalfields Ltd. (ECL) and Bharat Coking Coal Ltd. (BCCL) in August, 2009. As per the provisions of Master Plan to ascertain the number of affected persons at the earmarked unstable sites, field works of survey have been conducted by Asansol Durgapur Development Authority (ADDA), Govt. of West Bengal in ECL coalfield areas in West Bengal and by Jharia Rehabilitation and Development Authority (JRDA), Govt. of Jharkhand in BCCL coalfield areas in Jharkhand. The field work of the survey has been completed by ADDA; survey report of ADDA yet to be published. Further, JRDA has completed survey field works at 588 locations against 595 locations covered under Master Plan.

(c): ECL has already shifted all ECL families from unstable locations. No non-ECL families has been shifted by ADDA in West Bengal as yet. However, Housing Department of State Govt. has started construction of 11072 flats at identified resettlement sites to facilitate shifting of families from unstable locations. The total expenditure by ECL and ADDA for last three years are as below:

Year 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Expenditure incurred (Rs in lakh) 82.40 4788.00 16556.00

Further, Status of expenditure and family shifted in last three year by the BCCL and JRDA are as below.

Year 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
No. of families rehabilitated 749 634 548
Expenditure incurred (Rs in lakh) 26339 11511 9712

(d): The compensations are being made as per the Rehabilitation & Resettlement (R&R) packages approved under the Master plan.

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