Question : Representation of Reserved Categories

(a) whether representation of SCs, STs and OBCs in Central Government Services is quite less compared to the percentage of reservation for them;
(b) if so, the current status thereof, Ministry/Department-wise and the reasons therefor;
(c) whether several Ministries/ Departments have failed to submit Annual Returns about their representation in services within time;
(d) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor;
(e) whether Government has failed to fill up the large number of backlog vacancies for SCs, STs and OBCs through special recruitment drives so far;
(f) if so, the current status thereof, Ministry/Department-wise and the reasons therefor;
(g) whether there is an urgent need for linking the release of funds to Ministry/ Departments subject to filling up of backlog vacancies; and
(h) if so, the steps being taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): As per information received from 78 Ministries/ Departments, including their attached/ subordinate offices, the representation of SCs, STs and OBCs in the posts and services under the Central Government, as on 01.01.2016, was 17.49%, 8.47% and 21.57% respectively.

Representation of SCs and STs is more than the prescribed percentage of reservation, (15% and 7.5%, respectively). The representation of OBCs in the Central Government services is 21.57%, which is less, as compared to the prescribed percentage of reservation for them. However, reservation of Other Backward Classes (OBC) has shown an increasing trend since it started in September, 1993. As per available information, representation of OBCs, as on 1.1.2012, was 16.55%, which has increased to 21.57%, as on 01.01.2016.

The Ministry/ Department-wise representation of SCs, STs and OBCs (in percentage) as on 01.01.2016 is given in the Annexure-I.


(c) & (d): The Ministries/ Departments collect data from all their administratively controlled units, spread across the country, and submit consolidated data to the Department of Personnel and Training. Out of the 79 administrative Ministries/Departments, required to submit data, 78 Ministries/ Departments have submitted data in respect of representation of SCs, STs and OBCs, as on 01.01.2016. As regards data, as on 01.01.2017 and 01.01.2018, 75 and 61 administrative Ministries/ Departments, respectively, have submitted such data.

(e) & (f): Department of Personnel and Training monitors the progress in respect of filling up of backlog reserved vacancies for Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs) and Other Backward Classes (OBCs) by ten Ministries/ Departments, having more than 90% of the employees in Central Government.

As per information provided by the ten Ministries/Departments which includes their Public Sector Banks/Financial Institutions, Central Public Sector Undertakings etc., out of 92589 backlog reserved vacancies (29198 for SCs, 22829 for STs and 40562 for OBCs), 63876 backlog reserved vacancies (20975 for SCs, 15874 for STs and 27027 for OBCs) were filled up during the period from 01.04.2012 to 31.12.2016 and 28,713 backlog reserved vacancies (8223 for SCs, 6955 for STs and 13535 for OBCs) remained unfilled, as on 01.01.2017.

Five out of these ten Ministries/Departments, have further informed that out of 21499 backlog reserved vacancies (7532 for SCs, 6887 for STs and 7080 for OBCs), 12334 backlog reserved vacancies (4514 for SCs, 3595 for STs and 4225 for OBCs) were filled up, as on 31.12.2017, and 9165 backlog reserved vacancies (3018 for SCs, 3292 for STs and 2855 for OBCs) remained unfilled, as on 01.01.2018.

Statements showing category-wise backlog reserved vacancies for the ten Ministries/Departments as on 01.01.2017 and that of five Ministries/ Departments as on 01.01.2018 is at Annexure II & III.

(g) & (h): Department of Personnel and Training has already issued instructions to all Ministries/Departments to constitute in-house Committees to identify backlog reserved vacancies, study root cause of backlog reserved vacancies, initiate measures to remove such factors and fill up such vacancies through Special Recruitment Drives.


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