Question : SEA EROSION

(a) whether massive sea erosion has taken place in the coastal belt of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor alongwith the damage caused by the erosion during the last three years and the current year;

(c) whether the Government has received any proposals from these State Governments;

(d) if so, the details thereof, State-wise and the action taken by the Union Government thereon;

(e) the reasons for delay in according clearance to these proposals;

(f) the funds provided to the State Governments to check the sea erosion during the last three years and the current year; and

(g) the time by which the proposals are likely to be cleared by the Union Government?

Answer given by the minister


(a & b) Yes Sir. As per the information available from the States, a length of 249.56 km coastline in Karnataka, 478.14 km in Kerala & 641.00 km in Tamil Nadu has been reported effected by sea erosion due to sea waves, winds, tides, storms, mining of beach sand, etc.

(c & d) State Governments of Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu submitted some project proposals for consideration under `National Coastal Protection Project (NCPP) for External Assistance. These have been examined and forwarded to Asian Development Bank (ADB) for consideration. The ADB agreed to provide assistance for Project Preparatory Technical Assistance (PPTA). The state government of Tamil Nadu has further submitted a proposal for protection of coastline to Central Water Commission which has been examined and certain comments have been communicated for compliance.

(e) The government of Tamil Nadu has not replied to the comments of Central Water Commission.

(f) Water being a State Subject, anti-sea erosion works are planned and implemented by the State Governments as per their own priority. Some of the maritime States have approached the Union Govt. to provide central assistance. During XI plan period, a state sector scheme, `Flood Management Programme` amounting to Rs. 8,000 Crore under Central Plan has been approved `in principle` by the Cabinet in its meeting held on 02.11.2007; under which the central assistance would be provided for anti-sea-erosion works also, in critical reaches, which have secured all mandatory clearances.

An amount of Rs. 3.80 Crore was released to the State of Karnataka in Year 2007-08 under the above scheme. Further, Asian Development Bank (ADB) has also considered Project Preparatory Technical Assistance (PPTA) with a grant of $ 1 million for preparing a Sustainable Coastal Protection and Management Project which includes the States of Karnataka, Goa and Maharashtra.

(g) No proposal(s) is pending with the Union Government for clearance.