Question : Mobile Connectivity in Naxal Affected Areas

(a) whether mobile connectivity is very poor in naxal affected areas in the country;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor;

(c) the number of places identified by the Government for installation of mobile towers in naxal affected areas of the country;

(d) the number of places out of these where such mobile towers have already been installed so far;

(e) the number of identified places where such towers have not been installed along with the reasons for the same; and

(f) the efforts taken/being taken by the Government for expansion of mobile towers in naxal affected areas in the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) Out of total number of 96,794 inhabited villages in 90 districts in 11 States affected by Left Wing Extremism (LWE), 85,894 villages have mobile connectivity. The reasons for not having mobile services in the remaining villages include, inter-alia, remote and difficult terrain, areas diversely located with scattered population and commercially non-viable operations.

(c) to (f) Mobile connectivity in the uncovered villages is being provided by Government and the Telecom Service Providers in a phased manner. Under Left Wing Extremism (LWE) affected areas Phase-I scheme sanctioned under Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF), 2,343 mobile towers at locations identified across the LWE states have been installed and are providing mobile services. Under Left Wing Extremism (LWE) Phase-II scheme sanctioned under USOF, 2,542 locations for mobile towers across the LWE states have been identified. State-wise details of identified tower locations under LWE Phase-II scheme are as below:
Sl. No. State No. of Tower Locations identified by MHA
1 Andhra Pradesh 346
2 Bihar 16
3 Chhattisgarh 971
4 Jharkhand 450
5 Madhya Pradesh 23
6 Maharashtra 125
7 Odisha 483
8 Telangana 53
9 Uttar Pradesh 42
10 West Bengal 33
Total 2542


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