(a) the details of India’s share in world export trade in agricultural products;

(b) whether the total volume of agricultural exports is very low;

(c) if so, the details thereof and reasons therefor;

(d) whether the export potential of agricultural products has not been fully tapped;

(e) if so, the details thereof and reasons therefor; and

(f) if so, the steps taken in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a), (b) &(c) : India’s share in World export trade in agricultural products has been 1.0% in 1980; 0.8% in 1990; 1.2% in 2000; and 1.2% in 2005. The main agricultural products exported from India are food grains (including basmati and non-basmati rice, wheat and other cereals), nuts and seeds, meat, poultry and dairy products, fruits and vegetables, processed foods, oil meals, tobacco and its products, spices, sugar etc. India’s export of total agricultural products shows an increasing trend during the last few years details of which are as follows: 

Year	Value (US $ million)
2002-03	4674.00
2003-04	5223.85
2004-05	6014.07
2005-06	7158.84

Source: DGCI&S

The detailed information on India’s exports viz., country - wise and product – wise can be accessed on the website of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Department of Commerce i.e., http://docnic.  

(d), (e) & (f): It has been the endeavor of the Government to tap the export potential of agriculture and agricultural products to the maximum possible extent. Encouraging export is a continuous process. The Government is taking necessary steps to encourage export of agro products through measures and incentives under Plan schemes of the Commodity Boards etc. In order to boost Indian agricultural products, the Ministry of Commerce & Industry has put in place various schemes namely Market Development Assistance (MDA), Market Assistance Initiative (MAI), Assistance to States for Developing Export Infrastructure and Allied Activities (ASIDE) etc. with modified guidelines under which the various Boards/Councils undertake programmes like organization of Buyer-Seller Meets; participation in Trade Fairs; visit of delegations of traders and exporters to various countries. Under the above mentioned schemes, the exporters are also provided grants-in-aids for modernization, technology upgradation, packaging and quality improvement etc. with a view to enhance the exports of the country. Government has also announced a Vishesh Krishi Upaj Yojana with an objective to promote export of fruits, vegetables, flowers, dairy, poultry, minor forest produce and their value added products by incentivising export of such products.

Steps have also been initiated to increase the competitiveness of Indian farmers and agriculture, so that the agricultural exports can increase and the farmers can get remunerative prices for their produce. To achieve this end, the Government has introduced a number of initiatives and interventions, for enhancing the productivity of Indian Agriculture inter-alia, they include Integrated Scheme of Oilseeds, Pulses, Oil Palm and Maize (ISOPOM), National Horticulture Mission and Integrated Cereal Development Programmes.