(a) whether the Government is implementing Bharat Net Project in the country in a phased manner to connect all Gram Panchayats (GPs) by broadband in the country and if so, the details and the present status thereof, State/UT-wise including the details of optical fibre cable laid so far under the said scheme, State/UT-wise;
(b) the target fixed by the Government to link all GPs and rural post offices in the country with optical fibre along with the reasons for delay, if any, in the implementation of the project;
(c) the number of GPs linked with optical fibre network, State/UT-wise and the number of GPs that are yet to be connected with broadband under the said project, State/UT-wise and district-wise;
(d) the funds allocated and the expenditure incurred so far under the said project, State/UT-wise; and
(e) whether the Government has accorded approval to any modified strategy to implement Bharat Net Project to complete the project by March, 2019 and if so, the details thereof?