Question : Shutdown of Abattoirs

(a) whether as per the ICAR, nearly 9.12 lakh buffaloes which can produce 2,95,50,000 tonnes of gobar manure to fertilize 39.40 hectares of agricultural land, are slaughtered in abattoirs every year and on an average 10,89,000 tonnes of manure could be produced per year and losses of billions of rupees are incurred every year due to slaughter of these animals;

(b) if so, the steps taken by the Government to safeguard these bovines;
(c) whether the Government is considering a complete shutdown of abattoirs; and
(d) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) As informed by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) that “ICAR
does not have any data on slaughter of buffaloes or the volume of gobar manure produced from buffalo dung”.
(b) Government of India has been implementing following schemes for development and protection of buffalo population in the country:

i) Rashtriya Gokul Mission: The Rashtriya Gokul Mission has been initiated with aim of development and conservation of indigenous bovines breeds including cattle and buffaloes

ii) National Dairy Plan-I has been implemented with the aim of enhancing production of productivity of milch animals and to provide rural milk producers greater access to the organized milk processing centre. The scheme also has focus on development and conservation of 6 indigenous breeds of buffaloes (Mehsani, Murrah, Jaffarabadi, Nili Ravi, Banni and Pandharpuri).

iii) Livestock Health and Disease Control implemented for tackling the issues of livestock health, assistance is released under the scheme to the States & UTs.

iv) National Livestock Mission having Sub Mission on Feed & Fodder Development for increasing fodder availability in the country and under the Sub Mission Livestock Development insurance coverage is being made available to bovines along with other livestock species including buffaloes

v) Government has also established three subordinate organizations namely, (a) Central Cattle Breeding Farms (CCBFs) (b) Central Herd registration Scheme and (c) Central Frozen Semen Production & Training Institute. These institutes playing crucial role in supply of high genetic merit bulls and semen doses of indigenous breeds including buffaloes.

vi) Indian Council for Agricultural Research is also undertaking development and conservation of indigenous breeds of bovines including buffaloes through its institutes.

(c) & (d) Abattoirs are regulated by the State Governments through State legislation as Animal Husbandry is the State subject and legislature of States has exclusive power to legislate. Most of the State Governments have enacted legislation for banning/restricting/ prohibiting slaughter of animals including buffaloes.


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