Question : Treatment of Non-Covid Patients

a) whether the Government is cognizant of the increasing problems being faced by the Non COVID-19 patients in their treatment due to COVID-19 pandemic across the country;
b) if so, the details thereof;
c) the steps taken/proposed to be taken by the Government in this regard including introduction of tele-consultation to address the problem; and
d) the details of the scheme formulated by the Government to connect tele-consultation with E-Sanjivani?

Answer given by the minister


(a) and (b):
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) has been providing technical and financial support to the States/UTs to strengthen the public healthcare system. Recognising the impact of COVID-19 on delivery of other essential health services, Government of India has taken various steps for continuation of essential services during COVID-19 pandemic:
• MoHFW has issued a guidance note to States in April 2020, on enabling delivery of Essential Health Services during the COVID 19. MoHFW has also issued guidance to States in January 2022, to ensure arrangements for the delivery of emergency healthcare services with minimum disruption.

• There has been continuation of delivery of comprehensive primary healthcare services and in Ayushman Bharat- Health and Wellness Centres to non-COVID patients.

• To ensure accessibility of quality treatment for both COVID and non-COVID health issues, to far flung areas, use of telemedicine has been promoted in a big way. ''eSanjeevani'', a web-based comprehensive telemedicine solution is being utilized to extend the reach of specialized healthcare services to masses in both rural areas and isolated communities.
(c) and (d):
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) has developed a telemedicine application eSanjeevani which provides doctor to doctor and patient to doctor consultations.
This application works on a hub and spoke model. Through the hubs medical professional including specialists can provide services to Health and Wellness Centers (HWCs) and further people can also avail services through OPD module of eSanjeevani.
To ensure wider outreach of telemedicine services, eSanjeevani application has also been integrated with 3.74 lakh Common Service Centers (CSCs) thereby facilitating access to equitable healthcare in the remotest areas of the country. As on 31st January, 2022, 2.33 Cr consultations have been conducted through eSanjeevani platform. Under ECRP-II also MoHFW is providing support to states/UTs for establishing teleconsultation hubs and spokes.


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