(a) the steps taken/proposed by the Government to promote the Indian Systems of Medicines abroad;

(b) whether a number of countries have requested India to commence course in various disciplines of Indian Systems of Medicines in their country;

(c) if so, the details thereof alongwith the action taken thereon;

(d) whether the Government has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Malaysia to promote Indian Systems of Medicines; and

(e) if so, the salient features of the said MoU alongwith the areas of cooperation identified therefor?

Answer given by the minister


(a) An International Cooperation (IC) Scheme has been implemented since the IX Plan for the promotion of AYUSH across the globe.

The scheme has seven components as under:

(i) International exchange of experts & Officers.

(ii) Incentive to drug manufacturers, entrepreneurs, AYUSH institutions etc. for international propagation of AYUSH and registration of their products by USFDA/EMEA/UK-MHRA for exports.

(iii) Support for international market development and AYUSH promotion-related activities.

(iv) Promotion of Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Unani and Yoga abroad through young Post Graduates.

(v) Translation and publication of AYUSH books in foreign languages.

(vi) Establishment of AYUSH information Cells/Health Centers in Indian Embasies/Missions and in the Cultural Centers set up by ICCR in foreign countries and deputation of experts.

(vii) International Fellowship Programme for foreign nationals for undertaking AYUSH courses in premier institutions in India.

Some of the major activities undertaken by the Department under the aforesaid scheme are as follows:-

A Centre for Research in Indian System of Medicine (CRISM) has been set up at the University of Mississippi, USA. The Deparment had organized/supported conferences on Indian System of Medicine in Hungary, Germany, Slovenia, Malaysia, Korea, South Africa and Australia.

Ayurveda experts have been deputed to give lectures in US Medical schools and Bulgaria.

An AYUSH information cell has been set up in Malaysia.

(b) No.

(c) Does not arise.

(d) Yes, the Government of India has signed an MoU with the Government of Malaysia on 27.10.2010.

(e) 1. Cooperation in the promotion of development Traditional medicines in the two countries’ health care systems.

2. Promotion of cooperation in teaching, practice, drugs and drugless therapies of traditional medicine, mutual recognition of Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Malaysian Herbal Pharmacopoeia.