(a) whether the Government proposes to set up new seismological observatories and also upgrade the existing observatories in the country ;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) the criteria for selection of sites for setting up of such observatories ;

(d) the funds allocated for the said purpose during the current year; and

(e) the time by which the new observatories will be set up ?

Answer given by the minister


a) Yes, Sir.

b) India Meteorological Department (IMD) has plans to modernize the existing National Seismological Network to improve the detection of earthquakes by modernization/ upgradation and setting up of more seismological observatories in the country.

Following are some of the up gradation as presently planned which are under implementation :

i) Setting up of 17-Station Real Time Seismic Monitoring Network (RTSMN) of Tsunami Warning System.

ii) Upgradation of 20 existing stations of National Seismological Network (NSN) and setting up of 20 new observatories.

iii) Setting up a 20-element telemetry system in Northeast India Region.

iv) Strengthening of existing telemetry system of Delhi region from 16 to 24 stations.

c) A High Power Committee set up by the Government of India worked out upgradation plan, including the selection of sites. IMD is now in the process of upgrading its seismological network in a phased manner.

d)&e) The details of the fund allocated and time by which the modernization plans would taken up are as follows :

i) Setting up of 17-Station Real Time Seismic Monitoring Network (RTSMN) of Tsunami Warning system is being funded by Department of Science & Technology.The expected expenditure for setting up RTSMN is around Rs 10 crores. and is likely to be installed by mid 2007.

ii) Upgradation of existing 20 observatories of NSN and setting up of 20 new observatories is will be completed during 2006-2008. The total cost would be Rs. 18.30 crores .

iii) Setting up a 20-element telemetry system in Northeast India Region is likely to be completed during 2006-2008. The total coast would be Rs 9.15 crores.

iv) Strengthening of existing telemetry of Delhi region from 16 to 24 stations is likely to be completed in the year 2006 to 2008. The total cost would be Rs 4.00 crores.