(a) & (b): Government of India is implementing a Centrally Sponsored Integrated Scheme
of Oilseeds, Pulses, Oil Palm and Maize (ISOPOM) for increasing the production and
productivity of oilseeds, pulses and oilpalm in the country. Under the scheme, financial
assistance is provided for critical inputs such as quality seeds, infrastructure development,
block demonstrations on improved technology, Integrated Pest Management Technology,
distribution of plant protection chemicals, plant protection equipments, weedicides,
supply of Bio-fertilizers, gypsum/pyrite liming/dolomite, sprinkler sets, water carrying
pipes etc. to encourage farmers to cultivate oilseeds and pulses. In order to disseminate
information on improved production technologies amongst the farmers, block demonstrations
and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) demonstrations are organized through State Department
of Agriculture and Front Line Demonstrations through Indian Council of Agriculture Research
(ICAR). For the development of Oil Palm, financial assistance is provided for planting
material, cultivation cost, drip irrigation, diesel pump sets etc. under ISOPOM.
(c): To address the acute shortage of oilseeds and pulses in the country, a special plan
for increasing the production and productivity of oilseeds and pulses has been implemented
under ISOPOM during kharif-2007 in major oilseeds and pulses growing states. Besides, it
is envisaged to launch National Food Security Mission (NFSM) comprising wheat, rice and
pulses during XI Plan to enhance the production and productivity of these crops and make
the country self-sufficient in food grains. NFSM-Pulses is proposed to be implemented in
168 districts in 14 states.