(a) the number of workers engaged in manual and mechanical jobs in various coal companies located in various States of the country as on date State and company-wise;

(b) whether the subsidiary companies of Coal India Limited (CIL) have outsourced their labour intensive field works and transportation of coal ;

(c) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor, subsidiary-wise;

(d) whether the permanent labourers of these subsidiaries are being compelled to take VRS due to this outsourcing;

(e) if so, whether the labour unions have protested against the implementation of outsourcing in the coal sector; and

(f) if so, the details thereof and the reaction of the Government thereto?

Answer given by the minister


a) The number of workers engaged in manual and mechanical jobs in various coal companies located in various States of the Country as on 01-11-2012 is 273279. The details of Company-wise figure is as follows :-

Company	Number of workers engaged in	mechanical & manual jobs 
ECL 59436 BCCL 49388 CCL 35813 WCL 41780 SECL 58048 MCL 15477 NCL 10778 NEC 1542 CMPDIL 959 CIL 58 TOTAL 273279

( b) Yes, production and over burden removal (through hiring of heavy earth moving machinery) is resorted to in those places where departmental capabilities are not adequate. Subsidiary wise details in this regard on coal production (open cast) and OB removal through outsourcing during 2011-12 and Apr- Sept 2012 is given below.

(c) Subsidiary-wise details of OC coal production and OB Removal in CIL by hiring of machinery and equipment / outsourcing during the year 2011-12 and April’12 to September’12 is given below:
Company	Apr. to Sept. (12-13) (Prov)	2011-12	OC Coal(MT)	OBR(MM3.)	OC Coal(MT)	OBR(MM3.)
ECL 2.775 19.522 7.5 31.273 BCCL 6.561 28.284 12.253 52.288 CCL 7.639 12.598 17.399 28.308 NCL 0.00 51.164 0 114.795 WCL 2.856 19.222 5.201 58.926 SECL 44.311 22.01 90.459 53.363 MCL 36.781 17.966 86.568 38.821 NEC 0.183 1.849 0.598 4.475 CIL 101.106 172.615 219.978 382.249

(d) No, Sir

(e &f) Does not arise in view of ( d) above