Question : Value of Imports and Exports

(a) the details of import and export of India in terms of both rupee and US dollar during the last three financial years 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18 respectively and the current financial year; and
(b) the details of the items showing declining trend in both these sectors and the main reasons for slowdown therein?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The values of India’s merchandise exports and imports in terms of both rupee and US dollar during the last four years and the current year are as follows:
Years (Value in Rs. Crores) (Value in US$ million)
Export Import Export Import
2014-15 18,96,445 27,37,087 3,10,352 4,48,033
2015-16 17,16,384 24,90,306 2,62,291 3,81,008
2016-17 18,49,434 25,77,675 2,75,852 3,84,357
2017-18 19,56,515 30,01,033 3,03,526 4,65,581
2017-18 (Apr-Nov) 12,57,811 19,44,355 1,94,935 3,01,308
2018-19 (Apr-Nov)* 15,14,370 24,07,274 2,17,517 3,45,643
Source: DGCI&S, Kolkata,(*Quick estimates)
(b): Out of the major 30 items, 12 items have declining trend in India’s exports and 7 items have declining trend in India’s imports during the current year 2018-19 (Apr-Nov) as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, as detailed below:
(Value in US$ Million)
Sectors showing declining trend in Export
S. No. Sectors 2017-18(Apr-Nov) 2018-19(Apr-Nov)* % Change
1 Cashew 657.58 435.29 -33.80
2 Coffee 642.75 531.99 -17.23
3 Iron Ore 933.55 787.32 -15.66
4 RMG of all Textiles 11040.58 9976.14 -9.64
5 Marine Products 5232.81 4793.70 -8.39
6 Rice 4960.21 4602.81 -7.21
7 Meat, dairy & poultry products 3117.57 2941.47 -5.65
8 Gems & Jewellery 28025.64 27035.75 -3.53
9 Fruits & Vegetables 1477.06 1439.93 -2.51
10 Tea 545.43 534.94 -1.92
11 Leather & leather products 3512.32 3452.60 -1.70
12 Jute Mfg. incl Floor Covering 224.73 221.97 -1.23
Sectors showing declining trend in Import
1 Pulses 2464.09 664.00 -73.05
2 Cotton Raw & Waste 826.75 481.25 -41.79
3 Transport equipment 14647.41 11480.36 -21.62
4 Pearls, precious & Semi-precious stones 22657.29 17828.32 -21.31
5 Vegetable Oil 8177.64 6790.28 -16.97
6 Metaliferrous ores & other minerals 5712.36 5352.19 -6.31
7 Gold 23198.05 22083.09 -4.81
Source: DGCI&S, Kolkata, (* Quick Estimates)
The main reasons for declining trend of exports/imports include global and domestic factors such as demand and supply in domestic and international markets, currency fluctuations, trade agreements between competing exporting countries with export destination countries, non-tariff barriers by export destination countries, import restrictions by India, cost of credit, logistics costs, etc.

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