(a) to (e): A Statement is laid on the Table of the
Statement referred to in reply to parts (a) to (e) of Lok
Sabha Starred Question No.150 for 4.8.2010
(a) & (b): By and large Coal India Limited has, by and
large, been dispatching coal as per the targets fixed in the
supply plan finalized as a part of Annual Plan. During the
last three years, the dispatches to Power Utilities have
been 101%, 102% and 96% of targets in 2007-08, 2008-09 &
2009-10 respectively. In the current year upto June, 2010,
the dispatch is 87% of target. Dispatches could have been
better but for frequent law and order problems affecting
dispatches in Central Coalfields Limited and constraints
observed in evacuating coal from certain coal fields.
The details of State-wise dispatch of coal and coal
products to Power Utilities during last three years are as
State-wise Despatch of Coal and Coal Products to Power
(in Million Tonnes)
State 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10
Andhra Pradesh 13.25 13.92 10.32
Bihar 4.81 7.41 9.43
Chattisgarh 20.44 25.48 30.48
Delhi 5.66 5.86 5.19
Gujarat 17.54 18.88 18.18
Haryana 8.01 9.13 10.48
Jharkhand 6.48 6.86 7.51
Karnataka 4.07 4.52 3.32
Madhya Pradesh 29.34 31.81 32.05
Maharashtra 35.83 35.45 35.10
Orissa 23.56 22.32 23.49
Punjab 7.21 5.94 4.83
Rajasthan 13.02 13.81 13.63
Tamil Nadu 13.49 13.53 12.99
Uttar Pradesh 51.83 52.44 52.97
West Bengal 25.50 28.47 28.04
The details of Subsidiary-wise dispatch to Power
Utilities against target finalized in Supply Plan as part of
Annual Plan for the last three years and the current year is
furnished below:-
(figures in million tonnes)
Despatch performance to Power Utilities from Coal India Limited sources
Coal 2007-08 2008-09
company Target Dispatch % materi- Target Dispatch % materia- alisation lisation
ECL 26.85 21.95 82 26.50 23.69 89
BCCL 14.13 16.86 119 14.20 16.96 119
CCL 27.78 27.44 99 29.80 28.89 97
NCL 51.92 53.13 102 54.08 58.05 107
WCL 33.83 36.10 107 34.15 34.96 102
SECL 63.90 66.71 104 67.00 73.24 109
MCL 59.18 57.42 97 65.48 59.81 91
NEC 0.73 0.42 57 0.20 0.21 103
CIL Total 278.32 280.03 101 291.41 295.81 102
Despatch performance to Power Utilities from Coal India Limited
Coal 2007-08 2008-09(Provisional)
company Target Dispatch % materi- Target Dispatch % materia- alisation lisation
ECL 26.00 25.21 97 6.27 6.19 99
BCCL 17.56 16.89 96 4.77 5.11 107
CCL 31.80 28.10 88 8.28 6.58 80
NCL 58.80 61.06 104 15.19 13.85 91
WCL 34.83 34.48 99 8.64 7.71 89
SECL 73.40 74.20 101 19.24 17.77 92
MCL 69.12 57.97 84 19.91 14.29 72
NEC 0.20 0.10 48 0.06 0.05 85
CIL Total 311.71 298.01 96 82.36 71.55 87
The details of Grade-wise dispatch of raw coal to Power
Utilities during the last three years are given below:
Grade-wise Despatch of Raw Coal to Power Utilities
(in Million Tonnes)
Grade 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10
Coking Coal 11.51 14.40 19.99
Non-Coking 2.00 1.77 1.69
Grade A
Non-Coking 15.04 15.25 15.85
Grade B
Non-Coking 30.90 29.61 32.65
Grade C
Non-Coking 27.24 26.79 25.68
Grade D
Non-Coking 70.61 77.46 72.62
Grade E
Non-Coking 122.83 131.24 130.38
Grade F
The ash content of overall coal supplies during 2007-
08, 2008-09 & 2009-10 was 31.97, 32.20 & 32.24 respectively
on annualized average basis which is well within the ash
limit of 34% stipulated by Ministry of Environment and
Forests (MOEF) in respect of power stations situated in
Urban, Critically Polluted and Sensitive Areas and also
situated more than 1000 Kms from coal sources. Most of high
ash content coal produced by Subsidiary Coal Companies of
CIL is consumed at pithead power stations without requiring
transportation by the Indian Railways system over long
(c ) to (e): Yes, Sir. Some of the State Governments like
Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh,
Gujarat and Punjab have requested that the allocation for
some of the power plants located in their State may be
enhanced. However, presently, supply of coal to power
stations are being governed by Fuel Supply Agreements, which
inter alia, indicates the Annual Contracted Quantity (ACQ)
as allocated by the Central Electricity Authority (CEA)
under the Ministry of Power. Therefore, any additional
allocation over and above the Annual Contracted Quantity has
to be decided by Central Electricity Authority, keeping in
view the overall coal availability in the country and other
relevant factors.