(a) whether there is any proposal to provide employment to tribals in view of the increasing unemployment among tribal population in the country; and

(b) if so, the details thereof, State/UT-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Government has adopted multipronged approach to ameliorate the situation of unemployment among ST population across the country. Ministry of Tribal Affairs under its Special Area Programme of Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub-Plan (SCA to TSP) provides funds as an additive to the State Plan for economic development of tribals in the States to cover the employment-cum-income generation activities and the infrastructure incidental thereto of not only family-based, but also those run by the Self-Help Groups (SHGs)/ Community for Tribals living Below Poverty Line. The Ministry also implements the following schemes / programme to facilitate them to get employment:-

(i) “Vocational Training in Tribal Areas” to upgrade the skills of the tribal youth in various traditional/ modern vocations to gain suitable employment or enable them to become self employed.
(ii) Schemes implemented by National Scheduled Tribes Finance and Development Corporation (NSTFDC) for self-employment of Scheduled Tribes by providing concessional financial assistance to individual or group of STs for undertaking income generation activities.
(iii) Activities undertaken by Tribal Co -Operative Marketing Development Federation of India Limited (TRIFED) involves imparting skill development and capacity building training to tribal Minor Forest Produce (MFP) gatherers and tribal artisans.
(iv) Under Forest Right Act 2006, individual and community right have been recognized and vested to the Tribals and other traditional forest dwellers which, inter-alia, entitle them to collect and sell Minor Forest Produce (MFP) etc. Further, as a social security measure to MFP gatherers who are primarily Scheduled Tribes, a package of interventions through a Centrally Sponsored Scheme “Marketing of Minor Forest Produce through Minimum Support Price and Development of Value Chain” has been launched.
(v) Scholarship schemes for professional education for STs facilitating them to get employed.
Besides these, Government has also taken other steps to provide employment to tribal population. Some of the major initiatives are enlisted below:-

(i) Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA) guaranteeing 150 days wage employment to STs households living in forest area who have got ‘pattas’ under the Forest Right Act 2006.
(ii) National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) which aims at creating efficient and effective institutional platforms of the rural poor enabling them to increase household income through sustainable livelihood enhancements and improved access to financial services.
(iii) Bharat Rural Livelihood Foundation (BRLF) to facilitate and upscale civil society action in partnership with Government for transforming livelihoods and lives of rural households, with an emphasis on women, particularly in the Central Indian Tribal Region.

(b): Statement showing release of funds for Skill Development / Employment Generation during 2013-14 by Ministry of Tribal Affairs as on date is at Annexure.