Question : Foreign Funding of NGOs

(a) the details of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in the country receiving financial assistance and donations from foreign countries presently, State-wise including Chhattisgarh;

(b) whether the Government has issued notices/directions to all the NGOs to reveal the donations and financial assistance received from the foreign countries;

(c) if so, the details thereof;

(d) the number of NGOs to which notices have been issued by the Government and the number of NGOs which have submitted the concerned details to the Government; and

(e) the action taken by the Government against fake NGOs, State/UTwise?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The state wise details of Non-Governmental Organisations registered under the Foreign contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 who are receiving foreign contribution are available on the website:

(b): Yes, Madam. As per FCRA, 2010 all the FCRA registered NGOs need

L.S.US.Q.NO.1367 FOR 18.12.2018

to file mandatory Annual Returns for every financial year beginning on the 1st day of April within nine month of the closure of the financial year. Government has issued notices/directions to all such NGOs who have not submitted mandatory Annual Returns (containing details of receipt & utilization of foreign contribution of the NGOs)
(c): The details of such NGOs are available on the website:
(d): Notices/directions were issued to 3292 NGOs on 24.04.2018 for filing their pending mandatory Annual Returns. Out of these, 880 NGOs have submitted the concerned details to the competent authority.
(e): Registration or prior-permission under the FCRA, 2010 is granted only to those NGOs who are cleared by the Security Agencies and found in conformity with the FCRA law. Thus, the question of registration of fake NGOs under the FCRA, 2010 does not arise.


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