Question : Public and Private Sector Steel Industries

(a) the details of the public sector companies/private companies engaged in steel manufacturing, State/District-wise;

(b) the details of the comparative study chart of private steel companies/public sector steel companies in terms of turnover, profit/loss, expenditure, labour force, audit report etc. for the last five years;

(c) the comparative details of the management system and the details of the financial strategy of the said companies;

(d) whether the private owned steel companies are earning huge profits and public sector steel companies are making losses and if so, the reasons therefor; and

(e) whether the buyers of the public sector have been given any directions/guidelines for purchasing steel or steel made products preferably from public sector steel companies and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The details of Government run/private companies involved in manufacturing steel, State/district wise is given at Annexure I.

(b)to(d): Details of last five years of Steel CPSEs regarding Turnover, Expenditure, Profit, Manpower & Audit Reports are given at Annexure II. As regards the private sector steel plants, it is stated that steel is a deregulated sector and the requisite data/information is not maintained by the Government. The role of the Government is that of a facilitator which lays down broad policy guidelines for creating conducive environment for improving efficiency and performance of the Steel Sector. The Steel companies both public and private, enjoy operational and financial autonomy. The managerial and financial strategies are made by the individual companies from time to time, based on the commercial considerations and market dynamics.

(e) Domestically Manufactured Iron & Steel Products Procurement Policy (DMI&SP) mandates to provide preference to domestically manufactured steel products both from public and private sector in Government procurement.


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