(a) whether the Government has constituted a high level committee to review/ evaluate the performance of the textiles industry and to announce a comprehensive package in view of the global slow down;

(b) if so, the details of the observations/ recommendations made by the committee and follow up action taken by the Government in this regard;

(c) whether the Government has noticed loss of job in textiles due to recent slow down and also the recent study of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD);

(d) if so, the details thereof along with the efforts made by the Government to provide job in the textiles sector;

(e) whether there has been slow down of investment in textiles during the 11th Plan;

(f) if so, the details thereof and reasons therefor along with the efforts made by the Government to speed up the investment/ expansion in textile industry during the current plan and also to increase the export share of Indian textiles in the international market and explore new markets;

(g) whether the textiles industry is suffering loss due to hike in diesel prices and power shortage in the country; and

(h) if so, the details thereof along with the steps taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The Government has constituted an Expert Committee under the Chairpersonship of Member Secretary, National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council (NMCC) vide Resolution No. F.1/3/2013 TP dated 17th June, 2013 to review the National Textile Policy- 2000 and formulate the National Textile Policy 2013 to give a direction to the sector as a whole and to address the needs of the Textile Industry for 21st Century Trade operations. The Expert Committee will submit its report by October 2013.

(b): Does not arise.

(c): (i) Government is not aware of the UNCTAD study on job losses. Textiles industry is showing an increase of 14.5% in yarn production and there are no job losses reported.

(ii) Government has announced a number of measures under the Foreign Trade Policy including Interest Subvention, Focus Market Scheme, Focus Product Scheme and Market Linked Focus Product Scheme as also export incentives under Market Access Initiative Scheme and Market Development Assistance Scheme for enhancing exports from India.

(iii) The Labour Bureau under Ministry of Labour and Employment conducted survey to assess the changes in employment in selected sectors of economy including textiles and apparels. As per the half yearly report (latest available) for the period July to December 2012 at the industry level, increase in employment is observed in the textiles (including apparels) where it has increased by 0.50 lakh as compared to the previous half year (June 2012). The changes in estimated employment based on various half yearly surveys, the data is as under:-

Industry / Changes in employment during (In lakh) Group March-12 Jun-12 over Dec-12 over Dec. 12 over Over Dec 11 Mar 12 June 12 Dec. 11 Textile 0.00 0.50 0.50 1.00 including Apparels Overall 0.80 0.73 1.68 3.21

(d): The government is implementing various schemes for the growth and infrastructure development in textiles sector, which will help in creation & augmentation of jobs in the sector. The detail of schemes is as under:

Name of the Scheme Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) Scheme for Integrated Textile Park (SITP) Integrated Processing Development Scheme/ Scheme for Processing Park (SSP) Integrated Skill Development Scheme (ISDS)

(e): During the 11th Plan investments the Textile Industry has invested in projects worth Rs.1,41,568 crore (project cost) under Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS), while the investment under TUFS during the 10th plan was Rs. 90,389 crore (project cost).
Under the Scheme for Integrated Textile Park, investment of Rs. 3727 crores made during the 11th Five Year Plan.
(f): The government is implementing various developmental schemes for the growth and infrastructure development to speed up investment/ expansion in textiles sector. The detail of schemes is as under:-
Name of the Scheme	XII Five Year Plan Allocation	(Rs. in crores)

Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme 11577.80 Scheme for Integrated Textile Park 1900.00 Integrated Processing Development 500.00 Scheme/ Scheme for Processing Park (SSP) Integrated Skill Development Scheme 1900.00 Revival, Reform and Restructuring 175.00 Package for Handloom Section (2013-14)

(g) & (h): Not reported to the Government.