Question : Performance Audit of MDMS

(a) whether in its performance audit of the Mid Day Meal Scheme (MDMS) for the period 2009-10 to 2013-14, the Comptroller and Auditor General has raised questions about the coverage of children under the programme, its impact and also pointed out diversion of funds meant for the scheme;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether it is a fact that EdCIL, a PSU under the Ministry of Human Resource Development was chosen to handle MDMS related work without inviting any tender or competitive bidding; and

(d) if so, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister


(a)&(b): The Comptroller and Auditor General of India carried out performance audit of the Mid Day Meal Scheme (MDMS) for the period 2009-10 to 2013-14 in the States /UTs. The report of the Comptroller and Auditor General has not been received.

(c)&(d): The Educational Consultants India Limited (Ed.CIL) is a Government of India undertaking under the Ministry of Human Resource Development. It has established credentials in Education Sector for providing quality services. It is categorised as a ''Mini Ratna Organisation'' by the Government of India.

The Technical Support Group (TSG) of Ed.CIL for Mid Day Meal Scheme consists of Consultants (subject experts) and support staff and also provides support services to the Ministry towards implementation of the Scheme. For this purpose, Ed.CIL is reimbursed on cost plus basis salaries of the consultants & staff engaged for the TSG, administrative & procurement expenses, rent for space and maintenance charges. The activities were entrusted to Ed.CIL on nomination basis which is the only Government of India undertaking under MHRD. EdCIL as Public Sector Enterprise of the Govt. of India is duty bound to follow the Government guidelines in respect of financial norms.


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