Question : Targets for Disinvestment

(a) whether the Government intends to expedite disinvestment process and has fixed targets for disinvestment for next three years and if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor;
(b) whether the Government has identified Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) for the purpose and if so, the details thereof along with targets fixed, PSU-wise; and
(c) the action being taken by the Government as on date, to attract and ensure more entities to participate in disinvestment process to have a healthy competition thereby to generate more revenues?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): The budget estimate (BE) for disinvestment during the year 2017-18 is Rs.72,500 crore. This comprises Rs. 46,500 crore from disinvestment of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) and Rs. 15,000 crore from Strategic disinvestment and Rs. 11,000 crore from listing of Insurance Companies. No CPSE-wise target has been fixed.

As a part of the strategy to keep shares readily available for transaction to take advantage of market conditions without any loss of time, the Government has identified certain CPSEs for minority stake sale in sectors like mineral & metal, oil, capital goods as well as some mid-size and small stocks.

Government has given ‘in-principle’ approval for strategic disinvestment of certain CPSEs, Units of CPSEs and subsidiaries of CPSEs. However, after completion of the related processes, specific approval of Government will be sought in each case.

(c): Domestic as well as International Non-Deal Road Shows are being conducted to attract and ensure participation by more investors in the CPSEs’ disinvestment programme.

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